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LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Activities on this board are self-governed for the most part and the owner accepts no responsibility for any illegal activities, botched deals, nonpayment, etc that may occur. Problems will be fixed with deletion, or expulsion from the board. Just please keep it LEGAL!
Here's an example of problems that may occur:
--Legally acquired migratory gamebirds that were taken from the wild through hunting or illegal captures CANNOT be sold, bought, or traded. They can ONLY be gifted, and the giver must pay shipping. If you expect something in return for hunted birds, please do not swap them here as it is illegal.
Forum timezone: GMT-8 VF Version: 3.00b, ConfDB: Before posting please read our privacy policy. VoyForums(tm) is a Free Service from Voyager Info-Systems. Copyright © 1998-2019 Voyager Info-Systems. All Rights Reserved. |