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Date Posted: 22:21:54 04/06/02 Sat
Author: Sushi
Subject: Some older species... (five)

Invented By~ Greythorn
Height at the Shoulder~ Same as a adult wolf
Species' Colors~ any color but light colors are more commmon then darker ones.
Temperment~ Various
Species' Description~ Picture a wolf with dragon or feathered wings, retractable claws, and a scorpian tail. Some are known to change into human like forms

Height at the Shoulder~ ??
Species' Colors~ Light colors, like white and grey.
Temperment~ A bit strange.
Species' Description~ A SpiritWere has two forms. In their biped form, they look much like a wolf, but a little more human like. They have large eyes that help them see in the darkest places, sharp teeth, and a long, bushy tail. In Spirit form, they are almost exactly like a wolf, except they can walk on two legs, and are really a ghost-wolf, not a real wolf. In both forms they are known to do magic,but they do it best in biped form. They love the dark. They are very good fighters, and in biped form they will usually carry around a bow and arrow, just in case. They are usually light coloured in wolf form. If they get scared in bi-form, they will almost immediately shift into Spirit form.

Height at the Shoulder~ 6 ft
Species' Colors~ Black, gold, white, grey.
Temperment~ It depends, although they can get extremely angry if provoked.
Species' Description~ A large feline, akin to a leopard, but without spots. They also have pure white wings.

Shoulder height-1 foot
Colors-Blue,green,red,yellow,purple,orange...yeah,I think that's it.
Temperment-Hyperhperhyperhyperhyper aNNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Description-A long neck,ovel head with large eyes,and a little pin point of a mouth that lets only Yroas (an EXTREMLY small food that is about half the size of a sand grain) pass through. It's legs are very stubby and they have trouble getting around on ground. That is why Scaledos have wings made up of only one feather, softer than the softest silk. These wings glow different colors with what the scaledo is feeling. Because of their smallness,Scaledos can fly at 200 mph at the breaking point. The Scaledos body is the shape of a dogs,but smaller and not so long. Scaledo, Scaledo, Scaledo. Scaledos have no scales?!? Why are they called that??? Ahhh,but they DO have scales.
MUSIC SCALES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scaledos are best known for their.....gorgeous music..... sung in only the calmest of beautiful places. Most are named after notes in the do-to-do scale.(You know,Do rae me...)

Invented By~ Basat
Height at the Shoulder~ On all fours 2-3 ft, standing 5-6 ft.
Species' Colors~ They can only be the following colors: Black, dark brown, reddish brown, tan, grey, white, and rarley blueish grey. They can have spots, stripes and other markings as well though, but only of the colors listed. They can't be any other. They're wings are golden.
Temperment~ It depends on the individual. Some tend to be quiet, while others are sociable. They can be egotistical and arrogant, but it's almost never a big part of their personality. They're very kind hearted and prefer peacefulness and serenity, but are ferocious fighters. Others must be warned, for they hate to be disrespected and will get revenge, but are always prepared to suffer the consequences of their actions even if it means death. No matter what age, young or old, they love to play and can be adventerous. They especially like to swim, fly, sing, and dance.
Species' Description~ Felinine have two different forms one's human like and the other's animal like. They can either walk on two feet or on all fours. The only things that change when they turn into either form are their feet and hands, which turn to paws, and their knees which (when transforming to their animal form)bend the other way. They can change at anytime (flying, running, walking, etc.) Females are slightly smaller than the males, but very strong. Their muscles show a little, but rather than get bigger like the males, they get harder. Females are more cat-like as well. The only thing anout them that's canine like are their threes tails. Females fur is always short, sof, and silky, their tails especially. Males are bigger than the females usually by 5 inches to a foot. Their muscles get big and they are excellent fighters, they're fast and slightly stronger than the females, but not as agile as the females because of their size. They're more dog-like than the females for they're ears are flopped down and they have a muzzle like a laborador. Their fur tends to be slightly longer and a little soft. Their paws are large like a cougars, but their bodies are built like a cat's to give them speed. All Felinine's have three fox-like tails with sharp, deadly retracting blades in them. They never retract them unless it's for self defense or hunting since it's pretty painful to. They have's retractabe claws as well. They all have large golden wings which are used for their favorite and main transportation. Felinines have large oval gems on their chest which change color to match their mood, some believe it'd be to let others know wether you should approach them or not. Really though Felinines aren't open with a lot of feelings and show them through the gem. They can heal their own wounds over a short time. Small wounds they usually leave alone, but serious wounds they try to heal as much as possible over night. It depends on how serious they are.

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