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Date Posted: 22:35:54 04/06/02 Sat
Author: Sushi
Subject: Some others... (six)

Height at the Shoulder~ 5.7 up to 6.5
Species' Colors~ come in many colors usually found to be tricolored
Temperment~ born leaders from the first of there lives, but make good friends
Species' Description~ A most unusual species, they transform into a wolf/tiger a distant relative to the Enganar. They live in loose packs usually up to 10 live together, they can live up to 6 or 900 years in human form they look 18 to nineteen years of age. This species is found to have gems in there foreheads, pearl, ruby, diamond, and many others. When in human form the gem stays, the leaders of theses pack are mostly all woman, hunted for there beauty and fighting spirit. They are slowly disappearing.

Height at the Shoulder~at the shortest 5.8 tallest 6.5
Species' Colors~in hunam form normal human hair in fox or wolf form black,white,brown,gray, red any wolf or fox color
Temperment~straight up fighters will attack in any case
Species' Description~This species is very rare and very sneaky so there is no telling how many there. They live in packs like wolves, the female are the ones that fight the males also fight but they are not as skilled as the females.

Merldeioner (MerLion, for short.)
Shoulder:About 2 feet. Sometimes more.
Colers:Aqua,sea green,creamy orange, and tan.
Temper:Wild. Not,like,slobbery teeth-gnashing wild. But a sort of controled hyperness.
Description:Well,the head is like a deers, but whether a boy or girl always has antlers. The body is like a lions, with lion legs and paws. The tail is a coati tail. (It stands strait up natrualy) The end of the tail curves down in a hook shape with a mertail fin attached to the end.
Magic:Yes, they do have 3 powers. Alone the spells can only do so much damage. Yet when the energy sources of these powers are combined it is one whopper of a spell, so watch out!!! MerLions can only use spells when themselves or a friend are in great danger. The first power is having the ability to travel almost instantly to one place. The second one is to be able to shoot up to five arrows at once from their mouths. The third and biggest power is to be able to move things with thier minds. Extremly difficult and only used two years apart, at the least. Most pass out after using this power, it's so hard!

Invented By~ Ekoth
Height at the Shoulder~ 1' - 2' feet, although some have been known to be larger.
Species' Colors~ Any
Temperment~ Varies from Mini to Mini.
Species' Description~ Just a smaller version of dragons with some differences. Their large, muscular wings are larger than their bodies and spread around 4' to 5' feet depending on the size of the MiniDragon. Instead of claws, they have little curved sword-like claws that are razor sharp, but don't harm unless the MiniDragon wants them to. Their tails are very long, almost as long as they are and tipped with a spear-like point. Same as claws. They can stand on their hind claws, but prefer to stand on all fours. They can fly forever without having to land, but enjoy the ground and scenery. They have little tuffs of fur that poke out under the neck scales in a circle and around their feet. Their eyes change color in sunlight change and supreme mood swings. They have curved beaks, but they look like muzzles instead.

Invented By~ Sarabi
Height at the Shoulder~ 2 to 3 1/2 feet
Species' Colors~May vary greatly. But darker hair is more common than lighter, light colored eyes more common than dark.
Temperment~ A cheerful race, given to smiles and laughter. The few with a gloomy disposition are accepted, but they confuse everyone else slightly.
Species' Description~ Descended from elves, Sahar still consider themselves part of the elven race. Their home planet is extremly cold, but they adapted well to the temperature, and are able to survive even the most extreme colds. Infact, they have come to prefer cold to anything else. The harsh weather never dampened their spirits, however, and they are quite sociable.

Banda (meaning Panda-Bird God)
Height at the Shoulder~ depends on the character of the Banda
Species' Colors~ black beyond all blackness and white beyond all whiteness.
Temperment~ Sweet and sentimental.
Species' Description~ The brightness and vibrance of a Banda is shown by its goodness and righteousness. The Bandas are wise beyond belief. They speak a language of their own, Binjaro, a beautiful lanuguage, when Banda's speak it, it sounds like a beautiful music.

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