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Date Posted: 23:12:28 04/06/02 Sat
Author: Sushi
Subject: Some more... ahh, this is all on the JB. Done, for now. (five)

Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ 10 to 30 ft.
Species' Colors~ Earth tones.
Temperment~ Placid grazers, nonsentient. Somewhat like the sauropods of Earth's past.
Species' Description~ Heavy-bodied, low-slung quadrupeds, Yakins' only defense is their size. They have long, dull muzzles, flat herbivore teeth, and keen eyesight. They have long, thick necks, a big torso, thick and short legs, with broad and dense paws. Their tails are longer and just as thick as their necks, to balance the weight.

Home World~ Coo-coo
Height at the Shoulder~ 2-4 inches, though four is pushing it.
Species' Colors~ Green and gold horn, pink and gold or silver horn, or blue and sliver or gold horn.
Temperment~ Very hard to get them riled up. Smooth, with a tendancy to use slang words. (Wazzup, cool, see ya')
Species' Description~ Little thing, very small. They look a lot like your basic alien... small, with antenae, wearing spacesuits. Pretty much a George Jettson scene. What is different is that they have horns for noses. Either gold or silver, these horns are shaped like a trumpet bell, a french horn bell, a barritone bell, or a tuba bell. They sound like that instrument, too. Most with tuba bells are slow and fat, while those with trumpet bells are skinny and regal. Those lucky enough to have french horn bells are swift and medium-sized around the waist. Barritones can be anything.

Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ 8-12 ft.
Species' Colors~ Sickly colours. Death colours. Sometimes with erratic stripes that look like scars.
Temperment~ Evil. Again. But rather stupid.
Species' Description~ Quadrupeds. T-rex-ish head, long saberfangs, deep chest and muscular, long legs, with heavily clawed paws. Their tails are long and tipped in a scythe-shaped blade. For those of you with fire-breathing ability, they burn well. ;) Oh, and their stench is simply overpowering. Especially when dead or burning.

Tahg, or Tahg-demon, and Claw, or Claw-demon
Home World~ Lavana, unfortunately
Height at the Shoulder~ 5-6 ft, Captains are 6-7.5 ft
Species' Colors~ Black.
Temperment~ Does EVIL BEYOND ALL BELIEF say it well enough? But they're rather intelligent, far smarter than orcs (LotR! woo!) and pretty much never give up.
Species' Description~ Err.... bipeds. They're vaguely shaped like gorillas, or huge goblins/orcs, with gigantic thick arms, shorter yet powerful hind legs. Their heads are just ugly. Humanoid, I guess, with fangs and all and pointed ears. (Your typical demon, really.) Tahgs and Claws are breeds of the same species. Tahgs are definitely more gorilla-like and use weapons, such as swords or, more commonly, huge axes and maces. Claws are much nastier and more savage, with foot-long claws tipping their sausage-thick fingers and huge fangs protruding from their jaws. Captains are gigantic and smarter than the norm.

Greater Clatt
Home World~ Lavana
Height at the Shoulder~ No can do. From tail tip to hooked beak, they're two to four feet long. GIANT CLATTS! AH!
Species' Colors~ Greys, blacks, browns.
Temperment~ Nonsentient, but frighteningly intelligent at hunting and killing.
Species' Description~ Basically really big, improved and nasty Clatts. Picture a clawed finger. Take out the joints. Add draconic, leathery wings and two short, strong talons. Add a wiry little tail and beady little eyes. There ya go. These blood-sucking beasts live in huge swarms, usually nesting in trees. They're very fast in flight and eat by latching onto their prey with talons, then stabbing their 'claw' (in place of a mouth) into flesh. The claw is hollow, so they can pump blood through, which their second heart aids in doing quickly. These little things have an armored hide, and are very tough to kill. They don't hunt just non-sentients, either. A swarm of clatts can kill a Korat (that doesn't run away fast enough) within two minutes, and the carcass can be dry within seven minutes - Greater Clatts can kill a Korat in under a minute and suck it dry in barely over a minute. They can fly over 70 mph in a chase, and while not self-aware, are smart enough to coordinate their movements to bring down their prey. They're fearsome creatures, all in all.

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