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Date Posted: 23:09:21 04/06/02 Sat
Author: Sushi
Subject: Some of Palomino's species... (eight)

Home World~P.N.
Height at the Shoulder~ About the size of a great dane
Species' Colors~ Shades of brown and grey
Temperment~ Each one is different
Species' Description~ They look like a mix between a great dane and a greyhound. Their front legs are slightly longer then their back legs.They have a horse-like mane on their necks and a horn on their forhead.They have a long tail ending in metal,which is covered by a tuft of fur.They are very fast and although their claws and teeth are useless for defense,their tail is another story.They scavenge for food alot but are able to take down small prey.They also eat berries.

Home World~P.N.
Height at the Shoulder~ As big as a horse
Species' Colors~ Shades of brown and grey,sometimes black.The ring on their tail is always black or white
Temperment~ Each one is different,although they are usually shy
Species' Description~ Their body and legs are cat-like.Their necks are horse-like and their head is rat-like.They have horse-like manes on their neck,and their tail is very long,some grow to 30 feet,they carry their tail in a sideways S-like curl.On their tail is a band that is black or white,and at the end of their tail is a sharp blade.They are very fast and they jump extremely high,some have been known to jump to the top of skyscrapers.

Home World~P.N.
Height at the Shoulder~ As tall as street lights
Species' Colors~ Common colors:Browns and tans. Uncommon colors:Blacks and oranges. Rare colors:Whites and yellows
Temperment~ That of their owner's.
Species' Description~ They look like dogs(Except MUCH bigger) Their front legs are hoofed,while their back legs have paws. Their hoofs are very hard,harder then diamonds.Their teeth are as long as butter knifes,and their claws,sometimes more then a foot long.Their claws are halfway retractable,like a wolverine's.They can more then easily outrun a car,and easily jump over 1 story buildings.They love having an owner,infact,they are sad if they dont have one.Their temperment is usually that of their owner's,but they hate killing.They are very loyal to one owner only.They usually cannot speak,but the brown ones can. They are vegetarians,and they only need to eat as much as a horse.

Home World~P.N.
Height at the Shoulder~ As big as horses
Species' Colors~ any horse colors
Temperment~ Each one is different
Species' Description~ They look like horses,they have bird-like wings except their wings are covered in long fur instead of feathers.They also have spikes on them,one on each elbow/knee,one at the base of their wings,and a big one on their nose.

Home World~P.N.
Height at the Shoulder~As big as house cats
Species' Colors~ Their body can be ANY color,and their paws and tail tip are silver
Temperment~Each one is different
Species' Description~ Their body and paws are like a cat's.They have one foot long necks,and their head is very round,but their face is cat-like.They have a long tail that is 2 or 3 times as long as their body and usually curled up unless running.

Home World~P.N.
Height at the Shoulder~ As big as a wolf
Species' Colors~ Any dog colors
Temperment~ Each one is different
Species' Description~ They look like dogs.Their ears are long and rabbit-like.They have a rubber-like substance between their toes,on the back of their ears,and on their tail,their back paws are made of this substance.They live in the water and the rubber-like substance is said to help them swim.They also have a small horn above their nose which has a tiny bit of harmless but painfull venom.

Home World~P.N.
Height at the Shoulder~ 3-5 feet
Species' Colors~ ANY
Temperment~ Each is different
Species' Description~ Their body is long and dachsund-like.Their legs are also long,and make up most of their height.Their long legs end in hoofs,that have claws in them.Their head and ears are oval shaped.They have long wings,the tip of their wings glow in the dark.Their tail is also long.These creatures do not hunt at all.

Tundra dog
Home World~P.N.
Height at the Shoulder~ 2-3 feet
Species' Colors~ ANY
Temperment~ Each one is different
Species' Description~ They look somewhat dog-like.They have long whiskers,and short ears.They have a hard substance on their back and back of their head.They are fast,probably slightly faster then a car.

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