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Subject: Naked physical exams in Norwegian schools

Knut Holt
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Date Posted: 03:35:09 03/03/14 Mon

In the 60es and 70es all kids in Norwaian schools had a physical exam completely in nude. It occured mostly like this:

3 kids went togeather down to the office of the school nurse. There we had to take off all clothes. At 7 we went separately with a parent.

Then one by one we went into the doctor's office which was the next room where the exam occured, while the two other boys waited.

Most years only the nurse did the exam, but at 7, 12 and 14 a doctor came and did it. What happened was like this:

- Deliveing a sample of morning urine taken with us from home
- Measuring weight and height.
- Scoliosis check and check of joints.
- Vision check
- Blood sample
- Check of spine and gate, We had to bend foreward and touch our toes while the nurse or doctor checked us from behind.
When the doctor was present, the following:
- Check of mouth and throut
- Ausculation at heart and lungs
- Check of ears
- Palpation of glands
- Testicular check at 7
- Hernia check at 14
- Check of pulse and blood pressure

The assistant headmaster, an elderly woman, was always present during these exmas to keep order and manage the exam. Sometimes she sat down and drank coffee when the nurse checked us and chatted with the nurse about us.

Hearing test and a more thorrough ear check was done as a seperate exam at 7 and 9.

Some of us had a separate exam of my genitals and rectal sone at 12 in a room at school specially reddied for that purpose. I do not know how many of us had that exam, since it was not openly annuonced, but our parents get a notice to bring us there for the exam.

Knut Holt

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