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Subject: About football and soccer couches

Knut Holt
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Date Posted: 03:33:37 03/03/14 Mon

The following thoughts regard both football of American style, soccer and actually all team sports.

By studying the philosophy of football managers, you can often deduce a lot about the society where the managers have been rised.

Managers having a rigid philosophy that allow very little individual choise and artistry for the players, are often rised in a very authoritorian society.

Many societies seem very democratic at the surface, yet are strictly autoritarian when real decisions are made.

An example of such a society is Norway, and an example of a football manager that show that autoritorian leadership is Egil Drillo Olsen, actually an old marxist that lead his teams according to soviet communist style.

So, if you want to learn how the Norwegian society is working, study Norwegian football managers.

Much of the same can be said about English and American football managers, but those show openly their authoritarian attitude, while Norwegian managers hide it from the surface.

Managers from latino countries may appear authoritarian at the surface but they allow the players to develop their personal artistic style and allow thw team to take decisions as the play goes along.

It is obvious, based on a long history, what kind of managers and what kind of players that make the best results, namely the latino type.

Knut Holt
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