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Date Posted: 09:16:27 03/28/03 Fri
Author: Curtiss
Subject: Experiences

I have had episodes since I was little. One of the most rememerable and most recent one was in VA Beach while I was stationed at NAS Oceana in the Navy. I was jogging at night around base and stopped breifly in front of the golf course to smoke a cigarette. When I lit it, I had a flash of something in front of me in the light of my lighter flame. It startled me and I thought for a split second there was someone in front of me. When my eyes readjusted to the darkness, I realized there was no one there. Not thinking much of it, I started walking back to my barracks thinking I had done enough running for the day. On my way back, I thought I saw some people out on the golf course and looking at them, I thought it was odd because those grounds are off limits after dark and are regularly patrolled at night. Being of a higher rank, I took it on myself to go out there and see who it was and warn them of they're trespass. As I got closer, I didnt see anyone and found myself quite a ways off the road where I was jogging. I figured they must had hide or left or something and started walking back to the road. While I was walking back, I heard people and I was looking around to see if anyone was around but I saw nothing. I started walking faster toward the road thinking someone was playing a joke or something and I started to feel really sad and upset for no reason at all. I started crying and I felt like I was in great danger from someone or something. Quite frankly, I was scared shitless for no reason at all. I stopped and crouched down to the grass to pull myself together a little and when I stood back up, I was surrounded by shadows that were lighter than the rest of the night everywhere else. I started running back to my barracks and they followed right next to me close until I got to the road. I could feel people next to me running right by me just as fast. When I got to the road, I looked and saw and felt nothing. I was really freaked out about it to say the least. I never told anyone about that until now and did most of my jogging in the daytime from then on. I am no longer in the Navy, not just because of that, but for other reasons. I would just like to share that with others and am wondering if anyone else has ever experienced anything like this.

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