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Subject: Very sad news: Tojo has passed away ..... he briefly ran a similar board to this one.

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Date Posted: Monday, January 30 2006, 11:41pm

Just found out today that Antonio Jones (known publicly as "Tojo") passed away after a bout with cancer. He was 66 years old.

He started a board similar to this one and apparently he and the host of this board ("Unknown Host") got along just fine. Contrary to some posts archived here, Tojo and U.H. were two different individuals.

I knew Tojo via e-mail and one brief phone call. He gave up his board when he found computer stuff a bit too daunting. He is not the only one in the world who felt that way. I don't blame him for that and I applaud his efforts, albeit brief.

If U.H. reads this, maybe he could offer a comment. I know they linked to each other's websites for awhile and they communicated.

He was a funny man and, more important, a good man.

I shall miss him.


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Subject Author Date
"John" killed off one of his alter egos in ToJo. I wonder when he'll kill Jerry? (NT)Maybe soonTuesday, July 25 2006, 12:19am

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