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Subject: Blind joke

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Date Posted: Saturday, April 13 2002, 3:45pm

TheUnknownHost kindly deleted my goofs by my request ..... here's the REAL joke, and again, it came from a blind man, so no offense is intended to sight-impaired people ....

The passengers on a small plane are a quite surprised when the pilots arrive.

The pilots walk up the aisle, both wearing dark glasses. One has a seeing-eye dog, the other is tapping his way with a white-tipped cane.

The cockpit door closes, the engines start up.

The plane moves faster and faster down the runway. People by the windows realize they're heading right towards the water at the end of the runway.

Panic ensues. Screams fill the air. At that very moment, the plane lifts smoothly into the air. The passengers relax and laugh a little sheepishly.

Up in the cockpit, the co-pilot turns to the pilot. "Y'know, Bob," he says. "One day they're going to scream too late, and we're all gonna die."

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Subject Author Date
Well eye've got to hand it to you .....BettyBoopSaturday, April 13 2002, 3:46pm
Re: Blind jokeBoopyBetty (no relation)Sunday, April 14 2002, 10:47am

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