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Subject: High Lady


Crymson Fyre Knight

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Date Posted: 16:59:04 04/10/02 Wed
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IC Name:Crymson Fyre Knight
Title:High Lady of the Realm of Shadows
Sire:Lord J
Role:Elder of the Order of the Realm of Shadows (ORS)
Weakness:Suduction Magic
Armor:Chain Maile
Weapon:Silver Shadow Phoenix Nodochi
3 magics:Fire 100% Lighting 75% Rebirth 45%
Taught Attributes:Gardeans, Knights, Arristacrats, (Working on) IyceDragons

Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Hieght: 4'8"
Waight: 89 lbs
Power Leavel: 65%

Born to High Lord Achon Demic of the shadows and Lady Tiatana of Avilon Crymson did not know her parents all she knew growing up is she was born in Japan and moved to the shadow realm with Silver at age 8 to start training with Master Quon werse she stayed till joining the knights at 19...She was teased growing up about her size so she strived to be better causeing her to reach leavels not ushaly reached at such a young age... She looks at Silver and Malk as her only true family but has came to exept achon as her father aspashaly after the birth of her 6 Boilogical children CD, Alhi, Ryan, Tani, Phoenix, & Horizon..... And loves her Grandfather and sire Lord J as well as her adopted father LK....

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