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Subject: The day you arrive in Canada Customs and immigration (008)

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Date Posted: 12:41:10 03/11/08 Tue
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You will probably find the entry procedure fairly straightforward because you have a passport and other essential documents

You will be interviewed by a Canada Customs officer. You will need to give the officer a list of all the household and personal items that you will be bringing into Canada.

You should also show the immigrant visa to the customs officer, who will refer you to an immigration officer.

The immigration officer will check your visa and travel documents and ask you questions similar to those on the Immigrant Application Form, to verify that you are of good character and in good health.

At this time, you may also be asked to show proof of your funds. If there are no difficulties, the officer will authorize your entry to Canada as a permanent resident by signing your Record
of Landing or Confirmation of Permanent Residence.

If you arrive at one of the major Canadian airports, you will get a booklet called Welcome to Canada: What You Should Know.

It has information on most aspects of life in Canada. It also provides addresses and telephone numbers for:

* immigrant-serving organizations acrossCanada;
* language training assessment centres(which help eligible adult newcomers find free language classes);
* useful federal and provincial government offices.

Visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter2.htm

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