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Date Posted: 09:11:24 03/18/14 Tue
Author: Knut Holt
Subject: About the World Trade Center incidence - what made the towers fall?

The 09/11 Event and the Factors Causing this Event
By Knut Holt

There are two facts one can be sure of regarding the event.

- World Trade Center was hit by two planes conducted by brainwashed religious fanatics. The organization organizing these lunatics and having trained them is a genuine religious organization led by religious lunatics up to some level. At the highest level that organization are led by cynical people aimoing for global power and proffit. also called AlQuaida.

- The towers and building number 7 did not collapse due to the impact, or the ordinary fire caused by the impact, but due to explotions or heat generated by some installed internal equipment activated after the impact.

It also seems that the fanatics were allowed to do this job by authorities that already knew it would happen, and that these authorities used the opportunity to create a horrible catastrophe that then could be used to gain political power and proffit.

An importen question is if this AlQuaida is led at an even higher level by some worldwide conspiracy, and that the event was orchestrated in all its detailles by a common leadership.

That the fall of the buildings was caused by some internal techical equipment that released energy in a controlled fashion, can be concluded from the following facts:

- The impact from the aircrafts were not a cymmetrical impact, and a collapse due to the impact would be highly uncymmetrical the towers woild fall more or less towards one side. That did not happen.

- The collapse of the buildings was totally cymmetrical, as when a high buildoing is thorn down by strategically placed explosives.

- Building number 7 was not hit at all, and should not fall down, but ony collapse partially and uncymmetrically. Still it fell down several hours later and totally cymetrically.

- Molten iron was found in the wreckage of the buildings. Fires from burning oil-based fuel and office material do tot give high enough temperature to melt iron.


Knut Holt is an internet marketer interested in the health field. For natural products against edema, hemorrhoids, poor memory and concentration, hypothyroidism, over-weight, congested heart, acne, diabetes, UTI, yeast infection, insomnia, and for products for other problems in the muscles, joints, windpipe, stomach, nervous system, circulation and hormonal system, please see his web-site. Also male and female sex products. Also more information about health, sex, training and fitness.


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