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Embedding an Image in the Message Area. You can also post several pictures in one message, by posting them in the body of the message. You will need to include the HTML tags so the pictures show up correctly. In the message field type < img src="" > You can type your message in between pictures, and post as many pictures as you'd like. Make sure you use the exact spacing and punctuation shown above (don't forget the quotes and dont' leave spaces around the equal sign). Just replace the image URL with your image URL. For instance by posting: < IMG SRC="" > < IMG SRC="" > < IMG SRC="" > you could show three different pictures in a row. Remember the reminder that keeping pictures at a smaller bytesize is a courtesy to others. Embedding Multiple Links in the Message Area. If you want to post one or many links to other pages you can do this in your message. To do this you must use what is called an anchor tag. The format is: < A HREF="">The name of your link For instance here is the URL for the Dog Board: Acme Pet Dog House Bulletin Board Here is how it will actually look: Acme Pet Dog House Bulletin Board Reminder: One HTML tag for each Web page link and your on you're way to multiple links in your message. Changing The Font Color in the Message Area. This is done to make a point. It can be over done, so please use it sparingly. Say you want to emphasize how CUTE your pet is. You would do the following: < font color="red" >What you want to type in red.< /font > This is how it will look: What you want to type in red. Remember: You must use the end tag of < /font > otherwise your whole message after the starting tag of will be in red. You can use blue, red, yellow, purple or green as alternative font colors to black.
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