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Subject: And I'm gone again!

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Date Posted: 22:26:48 08/13/14 Wed
In reply to: dori 's message, "I'm leaving again... grin" on 20:39:17 08/07/14 Thu

My Great-Aunt Opal passed away on Sunday and we're going to Terre Haute tomorrow for her funeral. Keep the homefires burning, okay? 8-)))

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[> [> Subject: I came back Friday....

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Date Posted: 12:10:43 08/17/14 Sun

And the home fires had burned out. Grin...

Has homeschooling started up again? What was the consensus for last year? Are you going to continue helping the girls? I'm sure there was a big improvement in their grades.

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[> [> [> Subject: Home School

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Date Posted: 15:18:45 08/17/14 Sun

The girls finished very well last year with an A average in all subjects. We took their weak areas and stayed with them until they had the foundation. This is more so in math than the others although we spent a lot of time on spelling and reading comprehension.

We spent most of the year on just adding, subtracting, multiplication and division. We pretty much threw the book away and just went over and over on their weak points. By the end of the year they were doing very well in all the weak areas.

Each day was like a test. When they would miss a problem I or Granny would tell them to look at the problem again and see if they made a mistake. If they found the problem and corrected it we did not count it against them. If they couldn't then it was counted off.

I realize this would not work in a normal classroom but our concern and interest was and is in learning. In public school you can make straight A's on tests and still not have really learned the basic foundation. With our approach they learn and then move on. One thing that thrilled us was that when we started again this year we started with review of where they got last year. They knew what to do and how. They had learned.

We start every morning with prayer and then they have Bible. They are going through the Book of John this year. They read the Bible and then have to answer a question sheet I have made. So far they are doing great. They are doing well in their language arts also. Their subjects this year are Bible, math, spelling, word definitions, reading, American History and Science.

I would ask for prayers for Dale. She is facing a hip replacement. She has been in severe pain. We go to Vanderbilt tomorrow for an injection in her hip. We are to meet with the surgeon on Sept. 12 and expect to have him set the surgery date at that time. We have been told the injection is required before they (medicare)will ok surgery. We have to wait 4 weeks to make sure the injection will not work. The doctor has already told us she will still have to have the surgery as her hip is bone against bone. Her Crohns is in full remission although she still has related leg sores that give her much pain. All in all God has been very gracious and we are trusting Him for a good outcome.

I have started the next post and will have it fairly soon. Sorry to hear about your loss and pray God has supplied comfort and peace where needed.

God bless,

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Dale has my prayers and I'll be doubling them

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Date Posted: 22:42:16 08/17/14 Sun

Thanks for filling me in on how the girls did last year. They are so lucky to have you two in their lives. You and God are making a difference.
I liked what you said here:
I realize this would not work in a normal classroom but our concern and interest was and is in learning. In public school you can make straight A's on tests and still not have really learned the basic foundation. With our approach they learn and then move on. One thing that thrilled us was that when we started again this year we started with review of where they got last year. They knew what to do and how. They had learned.
Be careful on your trip tomorrow. Charlie has this issue with bone on bone, so I knows what she's going through. So glad to hear she's at least in remission with the Crohn's. God is good!

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