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Subject: Re: Thasos

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Date Posted: Wed, September 25 2024, 8:55:54
In reply to: Nickp 's message, "Re: Thasos" on Thu, August 26 2021, 7:24:26

As it looks on September 2024:
- Tripiti beach, left side is perfect for naturism. Free of sunbeds, approx 20-30 persons every day we were there. No watershoes needed.

- west shore, along 69 road. Many empty and wild beaches, some hidden, some visible from the road above.
We found nice spot near Poseidon's altar beach. The first time we were completely alone, the second time there were two topless ladies with us. Also some visitors came and left when saw us naked.

- small two beaches next on east to Tripiti beach, it depends on day, once we were naked and alone, second time we had clothed company.
Both beaches are not crowded at all, just a few people, but we saw photographers hunting for nice landscapes and postcard views, so being naked was not entirely comfortable.

- left side of Levadi beach. With clothed people mostly during the day, but after 5pm the beach slowly becomes empty and perfect for skinny dipping.

- Paradise beach, we didn't get to the beach, but we saw a naturist from a distance, so it looks like the beach is still good.
Honestly, we found so many wild places where we could be naked all day and be alone on the beach and in the sea. Even just a 10 minute walk from Giola we spent the whole day naked on the rocks and only twice did a lone tourist come by to take a picture or something.

And on the last! It's sad, but we've seen many times people with drones spying on others on the beach, from viewpoints, or just from the side of the road, or just right on the beach. They did not take photos of nature, they just flew over the beachgoers.

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