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Subject: Re: Astypalea update

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Date Posted: Mon, September 30 2024, 14:29:50
In reply to: Kavafis 's message, "Astypalea update" on Thu, October 04 2018, 14:08:28

Astypalea, end of September 2024. Nice weather, only one day of strong wind. Beautiful sea, water rather cold. With my wife I visited almost all the beaches. Here are some impressions
TZANAKI: “officially” naturist beach. Easy access by walking on 10 minute path. Few people, generally naked. Environment polluted by some textile couples (mostly Italian) who, even though surrounded by naturists, insist on keeping their swimsuits (but why don’t they go to another beach?). Crystal clear water, probably the best on the island. There is a project to build a hotel, so probably the beach of Tzanaki will disappear in a short time
PANORMOS: it is a true paradise, to be reached by traveling a long dirt road that crosses the island (breathtaking views). When we were there the beach was totally deserted and remained so for almost the entire day. In the afternoon a car arrived with two girls who went topless. There is no cell phone signal, there are no houses nearby. Only an absolutely uncontaminated Nature!
PLAKES: small magnificent beach easily accessible, close to the airport. Few people, no more than 4/5. Unfortunately all dressed
VATSES: large beach, part equipped and part free. Accessible via three kilometers of dirt road not too demanding. We had been told that on the far left you could practice naturism. We undressed but the manager of the bar (hundreds of meters away) arrived and threateningly forced us to get dressed. Later arrived a Greek couple who undressed and were left alone. We imitated them and no one bothered us. We returned the next day at sunset and the beach was deserted. We did not have any more problems.
KAMINAKIA: large and beautiful beach, partly equipped. Access is after a few kilometers of dirt road. Even in the free part all textiles. Impossible to undress.

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