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Date Posted: 05:36:19 12/23/02 Mon
Author: Mute
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Subject: mute is better

had the brute been on a less wanton walk maybe the tawny beast would of halted and let out a growl of challenge to the current rule but for now the beast walked upon softly padded members, each of the pelt covered limbs moving in a languid walk upon the grounds below. Behind faint tracks of a big cats paw were left upon creatos features but this concerned the lion not as movement within the body ceased to be, the maned skull lowering itself to a thin trail of liquid, sniffing deeply before plunging the pink muscle in to lap up some of its essence. Furred lobes kept watch upon the sunwashed gargoyle, earthern spheres watching the landscape carefully for as the dial was lifted great drops of silver water fell from velvet lips, the tongue darting out to sweep over the nose before watching the others about the lands, carefully lowering the great ochre bulk upon the grounds whilst flexing great claws upon the terra, he could wait all night for someone to approach..

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