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Date Posted: 16:19:01 01/18/03 Sat
Author: Pog, Adilee, Paline and Eileen
Author Host/IP:
Subject: Entrance

Pog sighed, looking up at the trees surrounding them. Trees, trees, more trees, quicksand, and weird lizards, that was all he'd seen ever since he came into this land the squirrel had told them was called Creoto. Oh, and a stream, we mustn't forget the stream. The stream was where he found out that the Glory was gone, scattered -- quite literally -- to the four winds. The stream where he had found out that there was noway of ever finding any Glory members other than Paline and Eileen. Oh, and Adilee. Hey, at least he found Adilee at the stream. That was something. At least he hadn't lost his lead mare and love to that awful storm.

Adilee looked at her mate, hearing the sigh. *Is something wrong?* she asked, although she needn't have. Of course something was wrong. If nothing was wrong, the colors usually reflected in his black coat would be there, instead of chased away by the thin layer of dust covering all of them. Yes, of course something was wrong, for the same was true of all of them, of Adilee's pale coat, which had lost its lavender, blue, and pink lights, and of the coats of the twins, which showed no blue reflecting off their roan coats. Of course something was wrong.

And Pog knew it too. He shook his head, letting out another sigh. *Tell me you didn't really need to ask that question.* He then added, *No, nothing's wrong, nothing except the fact that the Glory is shattered and lost, we don't have any idea where we are -- admit it, the name Creoto has no meaning to any of us -- and if I see another scale, leaf, or grain of sand again in my life it will be too soon. No,* and here he emitted another sigh, *nothing's wrong, except the usual.*

*And trust me, you're not alone where that's concerned. We're all just as tired and discouraged as you are.* Paline knew, even as she said them, that the words were far from being any comfort, but they were the closest to it she could give.

Eileen was the first one to spot the quicksand pit opening up beneath Pog. *Pog, look out!* she cried.

Pog, used to this, leapt aside as the quicksand appeared, and then as it shrank once more, said darkly, *Great. So if I die in a quicksand pit, the new leader is just as likely to fall prey to one as I, as well as the leader after that, and if that continues we're all going to die. Is that right?*

*Such wonderfully morbid conversation! Can we please try a different topic?* Adilee asked.

*Like what?* Pog retorted.

*I hear silence is worth its weight in gold around here.*

*Oh really? Who did you hear that from? The last being we spoke with was that squirrel, and he said only three words. Neither of them were in any way related to silence.*

*I surrender.*

Paline shook her head and erupted into a trot. This arguing had been going on for days, and sometimes it was all she could do to just scream at them.

Coming around yet another ancient tree, she gasped, for the trees ended here, suddenly and without warning. Before her stretched an enormous expanse of dry, cracked mud. Turning, she looked back down the trail at the approaching group. *Hey Pog!* she called. *Which would you prefer: sand, lizards, and trees, or plain, unending mud?*

Without hesitation, Pog responded, *Mud.*

*I had a feeling you'd say that. Well come on, then, let's go. I'm warning you, though, after a while we're all going to get just as sick of mud pretty soon as we are of sand, scales, and leaves right now.* Paline then turned back around and led the way into Sabteca.

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