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Date Posted: 16:34:42 12/26/02 Thu
Author: ferrari
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Subject: ...driven...
In reply to: Ashes By Now 's message, "+| ashes to ashes |+" on 09:29:34 12/26/02 Thu

.:welcome to purgatory:.
the scarlet flare had made her entrance upon many new lands, but this was one of difference. she purposely sought refuge in the outskirts of the land, but just as so many do, it hardly brought her away from the throng. and just to prove her right, the little black mare decided to dance her way towards the chestnut robed virile. a thick sigh hung heavy in the air, filling the well.sprung barrel amd dropping again. no effort now was made to conceal herself, though it wouldn't have been hard to at least keep from the filly. perhaps she wouldn't stay here. she always found herself strapped down to all those who claim hell and the devil as their lineage and birthrights. bullsh!t. even I dont claim that. a nasty glare shot malovolently towards the waltzing shadow. hold your own, eh? i'm so very sure of that. an arrogant twist and she was already a length further from the duo. appendai stepped lightly, she kept her passings-by unnoticed.
.:going down?:.

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