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what the..? a newcomer? maybe too social for her. ashes by now remained sulked in the protective shadows of the foliage. but this one sparked little curiousness in her and she peered at him with her greenish-purple eyes. obsiden hinted skin allowed her to blend well with her surrondings, she was still young and rather naive but old enough to hold her own. finally the little curiousity she had pushed her from the borders of the land. ashes by now kept a delicate crania tucked in close to a robust chest, and her long slender legs danced unwanted beneath her. curved lobes swivled anxiously in every direction and dialouted nares took in every unknown scent. there was no doubt that she was a blackblood with a different personality. well-filled bodice shifted to the side, this whole land of creoto was new to her, she remembered it vaguely from her foalhood. she wasn't born here, but you could say she was born in hell: literally. a soft snort was emitted from parted labiums and she remained in her position, nethier speaking or advancing towards him. she couldn't trust anyone. |