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Date Posted: 14:33:18 12/29/02 Sun
Author: sadist
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Subject: pain for pleasure� [ashes by now + ferrari]

his eyes engorged themselves on the visual feast set before him. silence befell him as he observed, claret tresses slapping at his face and flanks in an annoying fashion. the matching hide glistened with melted snow, nigrescent points looming on the lower portions of the limbs; but most conspicuous was the alabaster blaze that ran down his face, contrasting the darker pigments of his form. the ivory (and scar) marred visage dips slightly at the younger creature. to the less observant, ashes by now would have gone unnoticed, but sadist had the keen eyes of an eagle and rarely missed a thing. he studied her face for some time, most of this period spent dwelling on the oddly colored irises that surrounded her pupils. trust was always an issue with fellow blackbloods, and he could not blame her for her withdrawn manner; he too was the same, a few rare exceptions to this though. choosing to break the reticence, a rather loud greeting is sent in her direction. no words are sent afterwards, for the muliebral labeled ferrari has just now approached.

he tipped his crest toward the recent addition to the scene, feeling strangely amiable this day. his approach is brazen, but filled with caution; after all, you never know how a female could react. always temperamental. as with the stygian virago, he permitted his eyes to explore her configuration from a distance. a salutation is offered to this xanthippe as well as he touches his muzzle to a foreleg, relieving an itch. with the tingling satiated, the crimson topped crown restored itself to its proper position, mocha rimmed pupils again intaking the sight of both mares. his mouth was set in a grim smile, barely there but plainly visible. the silence was excruciating, far too painful for him to bear any longer. charcoal hoof scratching at the earth's surface, he spoke.

"mrr.. hello. quiet things you are in creoto. you can speak, can you not?" his words were directed at both. he rocked slightly from side to side, expecting a response from either or both while blatantly ignoring the creature from baw.

i am the sadistic creature that haunts your nightmares. as you can see, my color is that of the sweetest blood and my years number five. at current, i bear no titles and possess no treasures. my heart has been chained to none, and i trust no one. thus, i have none to call my progeny. beware the night, traveler..

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