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Date Posted: 08:50:09 12/31/02 Tue
Author: ashes by now
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Subject: +| ashes to ashes |+
In reply to: sadist 's message, "pain for pleasure‹ [ashes by now + ferrari]" on 14:33:18 12/29/02 Sun

with a sadistic roll of the odd hued optics, ashes by now took only one small step from the shadows. fatale was not about to be shown up. a smug smirk played along her labiums, she had a power.

a power to read and hear things miles and miles away. you could call it an advanced form of telepathy, but in her lineage they all recieved a unique power.

robust shoulders twitched gently and hind most tresses flickered as a steady gaze was kept on the brute. socialization was not her strongest point. pointed lobes swivled anxiously as she listened catiously to everything around her, ever alert, ever prepared for the worse.

the smirk lay plastered across her face, and a mysterious aura surronded the ebony form.

slender yet lithe fore legs shifted and danced beneath her in the smallest amount of curiousness, she already missed the warmth of her birth home.

we speak. she said, her voice having a hint of deep and dry sarcasm. mysterious she was, but she could have a wicked tounge.

[ if you can't find the italicized stuff, i know it's kinda hard to read, tell me and i'll tell you what she said. ;) ]

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