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Subject: Erm...

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Date Posted: 11:17:47 12/14/02 Sat
In reply to: Fire Lizard Player 's message, "(Hello?)" on 09:13:38 12/14/02 Sat

You really need to explain how is relates to your breed and how it relates to past experiences. Here's an example.

How it relates to the breed: Shapeshifter - Shapeshifters harbour the unique power to transform into one or two oteer forms, untrained. The first of their breed taught themselves how to shift, them it was somehow warped into their DNA(thus their unique body formation) With this 'power' translated into their dna, all those of decent from the first shapeshifter gained the power, though it was lesser than that of a trained Shifter. When the shifter is born, immediately it will take on its 'born' form, then the parents give it one of two other, depending of the tests.
Past experiences: With those of eggs, there are obviously few experiences. But one is that all eggs must undergo a 'test' more like an initiation. A series of test is preformed on the egg(a secret only revealed to Shifters) to prove that the blood is pure. If the blood is not pure, only one extra form will be given. If pure, up to three can be given.

I dunno something like that. I made that all up on the stop, so its not that far. By the way
SHAPESHIFTERS is my breed, no stealing.

Try again then well see...

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OKPlayer11:38:09 12/14/02 Sat
  • k -- Kris, 13:31:29 12/14/02 Sat

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