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Date Posted: 14:27:58 04/29/02 Mon
Author: mod
Subject: Re: Don't understand????
In reply to: Helen 's message, "Don't understand????" on 09:27:47 04/29/02 Mon

I do not believe that the concerns addressed here speak for the majority of the parents and resent the bashing of my school, teachers, and adminitration.

Bashing? Bringing up issues for discussion here is not meant to "bash" anything. An open forum for communication is vital to the well-being of any school.

Having a positive experience at school is very important and we're glad you have had nothing but positive experiences at Beatty Elementary. Wouldn't it be great if everyone could have the same?

Unfortunately, we have found that there are parents that are uninformed about certain things that pertain to their children. We can take P.E. for example. This is not a personal issue at all, it concerns every child that takes P.E. The older grades are perhaps not exposed to the direct sun because they have P.E. in the morning. The lower grades happen to have P.E. at one of the hottest parts of the day, around 2 p.m. Of course, you'd think that common sense would dictate that children would be inside and not running around on the blacktop when it's hot outside, but unless you've been out there at 2 p.m., you don't see this. If your child doesn't tell you how hot it was for P.E., you wouldn't think twice about it, but it does happen every year since we've had year-round school. Complaints have been made and nothing has been done. Now, hopefully through this forum and our research (in fact, CCSD has been contacted by us about the P.E. issue and we are waiting for a reply), it is an issue that will be handled correctly this year. The more parents know, the more they can be empowered to make positive changes. Isn't that what it's all about?

If there is ever a personal attack on the forum, it will be removed. Sorry if you don't agree, Helen, but we do welcome dissenting opinions and somehow the truth about these issues will be aired here. If you're offended that these issues are aired, you are more than welcome to post any facts that can clear any "bashing" up.

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