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Date Posted: 12:20:20 04/28/02 Sun
Author: Jane
Subject: Nothing but problems all the way around

I have had nothing with probelms all the way around with Beatty. No policies are the same from one teacher to the other. For instance during award ceremonies last December, My one son got an attendance cert. and the other did not. They were both absent the same days.

I asked for over a year for my son to be put in a reading program. I was told we have no room, he will be evaluate during the seond half of first grade, etc,. Well I felt that by that time it is to late and my child will have lost all self esteem.

The lunchroom stinks. The children have to be quiet, have 10 minutes to eat before they can go outside. It is like a prison.

I have since removed my children from Beatty and now home school them. Since then I have had 5 other families approach me on the idea and are thinking of it as well.

My son has asthma and is not to be outside during windy days. The office, nurse and P.E. teacher all have a copy of the doctors note. Well last November during a time when it was windy and my sons asthma was in force, I went to the office and said he is not to participate in P.E. today. Well when I picked up my son I came to find out that he was made to sit on the cold cement outside while the rest of the class was in P.E. I went balistic, not that it did any good.

The children are only allowed 2 bathroom breaks during class. They can go during lunch if they need to. I mean come on. I can see someone who abuses it, but that is not fair to the children.

I also had an incedent two years ago, but we won't get into that. Had I been wiser then I should have called the media.

Well I could go on and on about how I feel but I won't.

Just a former Beatty students Mom speaking her mind.

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