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Date Posted: 16:12:10 07/10/02 Wed
Author: K.
Subject: Track 5 Awards Assembly

I happened to attend yesterday's Track 5 Awards Assembly and I witnessed something that I found very distrubing. I thought that since this is such a great way to get information out to other parents that I would post it. As one of the fourth grade teachers was finishing handing out the certificates of recognition to her class, I noticed that there was still one lone student from this class left sitting on the floor all by herself. Apparently, she was not going to be recoginzed for doing anything worthwhile this year. Aside from the fact that I'm sure she was humiliated by the situation, I was apalled that this teacher/role model of our children could not find even one positive accomplishment from this student that was worthy of recognition after a whole school year. To say the least, I'm sure this child's self esteem is in the proverbial crapper thanks to this teacher. Way to go MISS.....!!! I suppose you could have had this student wait in the library to avoid the public humiliation you set her up for, but than you wouldn't have been able to make your point, would you? I hope you have as nice a break from school as you have layed out for you 10 year old student. By the way, for those of you that are interested, Ms.Leibowitz was also in attendance.

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