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Date Posted: 22:41:54 07/10/02 Wed
Author: mod
Subject: Posted this in early May and it applies to this situation
In reply to: K. 's message, "Track 5 Awards Assembly" on 16:12:10 07/10/02 Wed

In response to Award Assemblies, I posted:

A and A/B Honor roll is no one else's business except the child and the parents of that child. No one else in the school needs to know that, so in that sense you are right. We don't advocate the award assemblies where only certain children get recognized and other children are left sitting on the floor without any recognition of effort. Perhaps that child on that floor tried very hard but didn't quite get the best grades. Where is his effort recognized?

This is not the first time it has happened, and if history teaches us, it's not the last time it will happen. Time and time again, at every single awards assembly, students are left sitting conspicuously by themselves on the floor while the rest of the class gets an award for something as arbitrary as attendance. Didn't "calm" post about how at the end of the year, everyone gets an award? This proves how misinformed the parent community is, and exemplifies the mentality of "it doesn't happen to my child" so it's just fine that this happened.

The teacher couldn't give that child a little boost and have a "Good Citizenship" award or "Good Effort" or anything? We give this situation the Bronx cheer.

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  • Re: Track 5 Awards Assembly -- calm, 09:51:10 09/03/02 Tue

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