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Date Posted: 16:30:49 04/30/02 Tue
Author: mod
Subject: Re: Open Meeting
In reply to: Susan Leibowitz, principal Beatty ES 's message, "Open Meeting" on 14:33:06 04/30/02 Tue

Welcome to the forum, Mrs. Leibowitz. We're glad that you have posted.

This message board and the website have been valuable tools in both gleaning and distributing information. This information, not normally publicized at the school, is provided to the parent at hours when the school isn't open, at the parent's convenience, or when the school is not completely forthcoming with information. It is not necessarily convenient for all parents with a concern to drop in and bring up an issue. Besides, shouldn't the school be informing us instead of us always having to ask the questions? After all, we are the school's customers.

This particular forum has been set up as an anonymous venue where parents can voice their concerns without the worry of any repercussions at the school. Asking parents to come in on such issues, which are not all one-time incidents and are not only from this year but have been going on for years, is not effective. The problem is that even if a parent does bring up an issue (such as the P.E. items), nothing is done to rectify the situation. Then the parent who complains suddenly becomes the "problem parent." It's a no-win situation for that parent, and you can't deny that it happens at this school. This is why we will do our research, contact the appropriate sources for guidelines and information, and post issues.

Also, we are not trying to address personal problems here, such as teacher/student personality conflicts. All issues discussed so far affect all the students, and therefore, all the parents. To address issues one-on-one would be poor time management, when there is a very convenient venue right here so parents can access this at their leisure.

That being said, if the office is still open to parents with concerns on Friday, will a notice be sent to the entire school population? If so, the Thursday folder gives only one day's notice to the parents. Also, having meetings in the morning when a majority of parents work is inconvenient.

There's nothing wrong with discussing issues here and feel free to distribute this website and message board to all parents through the Thursday folder so we can reach a wider audience. It'd be great if you could address the issues already brought up here, or if it's not feasible to sift through the messages, we'd be more than willing to enter an email discussion with you and list the issues that parents have brought up to us. We will then post the issues and results here on this website. If we didn't care about our school, this forum would never have been created.

We'd like to work with you to improve our school and make it a better place for our children.

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