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Date Posted: 00:59:15 05/01/02 Wed
Author: Kim
Subject: Re: open meeting at Beatty
In reply to: sweet 's message, "Re: open meeting at Beatty" on 20:56:18 04/30/02 Tue

Now that you have resulted to name calling and insults, I will tell you why I choose not to attend Friday's meeting. Over the years I have been dealing with Beaty I can't even begin to count the number of times I HAVE shown up at the office for one reason or another. I have been greeted with anything from "What do you need?" to flat out being ignored. Rarely, if ever, a smile and cordial greeting. On the times that I have chosen to telephone my concerns or questions I feel as if I have to first go through and interogation just to get some simple answers or information, that is if I even get any answers at all.
With regard to Ms. Leibowitz, she is the one that drew the line between herself and the parent community. I am at that school a minimun of two times a day, which is not just a quick drop-off or pick-up from my car. I walk my child into the playground every day and stay until the bell rings to line up. At the end of the day I wait at the gate for pick-up. I attend all class parties, awards ceremonies, etc. and help out in the class whenever needed. I can't remember the last time I saw Ms. Leibowitz on any of these occasions unless she was specifically needed there.
When Mr. Chapman was our principal he was the most visable staff member on campus. At the end of every day he would be present at one of the yard exits to help monitor foot and vehicle traffic, but also to maintane a repore with the students and parents. Often times, when I was assisting in my child's class, he would stop in for no other reason than to just observe. I can't remember the last time I saw our current principal do either of these things or anything at all that has made me feel that she is approachable in a relaxed, informal setting.
So, Sweet, before you go bashing me for not wanting to put myself in such a vulnerable position, maybe you better examine the other side of that line and who put it there.

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