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Date Posted: 14:31:33 05/01/02 Wed
Author: mod
Subject: Welcome, once again

Let's reiterate, it is not the intention to pit PTA vs. the parents. PTA is a parent's voice in the school, and if there's a problem or an issue, we would hope that the PTA would be a parent and child advocate and not just take the administration's stance.

The only way you get answers is to ask questions. This is the forum we chose to ask them in, and it's a matter of convenience and anonymity. Schools around the country have various forms of communication with their community. With the advent of computers and online services, you can connect with parents in one more medium: The internet.

To say that only by going into the school office, parents can get their questions answered is not good enough. There should be no reason this forum can't be used to address issues and concerns. To treat us as invalid simply because we are online instead of able to visit the office or call during school hours is indicative of the problem that exists at our school. Open communication should be two-way between the school and parents, no matter what the medium.

There are still questions asked on this forum that haven't been answered. We have emailed the principal and are awaiting a reply. We will compile issues and, as they are addressed, will either post them on this board or on the website. These sites have been visited by many, many people, including our principal and PTA Board members. We're sorry that the PTA VP will not be posting on the board anymore because of time restraints, because it probably would be more time-wise to type up a response to an issue here instead of fielding individual phone calls and hoping the information is passed along from parent to parent. We hope she reconsiders, because the answers she has posted have been important and informational.

Even on the CCSD site, an email address for our Superintendent is available online, as well as all of the teachers in our school system. Hopefully, these online users are not dismissed simply because they are behind a computer. Also, on the CCSD site, if there is an issue, you can bring up an issue anonymously and get an answer. It's a simple and convenient way of getting answers, much like this site.

If it's good enough for the district...

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