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Date Posted: 14:24:54 05/03/02 Fri
Author: Carol
Subject: Re: open meeting at Beatty
In reply to: Kim 's message, "open meeting at Beatty" on 20:30:15 04/30/02 Tue

Kim: The chat meetings are a great idea and by having the opportunity to meet either in the a.m. or p.m. all concerned parents should be able to fit one of these meetings into their schedule. Please remember that school staff are there to help with any problem, situation or concern that you as a parent may have. They are not mind-readers nor would they ever consider taking action against any child for a complaint/concern that a parent may express. I attended the meeting today along with two other parents and it was a very positive and productive meeting. We as parents discussed many issues that we believe are pressing such as the traffic situation before and after school. Many good ideas were presented and are being looked at to help eleviate the traffic problems (i.e. double/triple parking, children crossing outside the crosswalks, u-turns, etc.) I hope that you will take the time to attend one of the p.m. meetings. These meetings are a great idea.

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