Subject: Florida: Terrorist – Si! Immigrants – No! |
Author: tony morejon
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Date Posted: 06:28:29 05/21/02 Tue
Florida: Terrorist – Si! Immigrants – No!
None of the terrorist involved in the 9/11 attack were from any Latin American or Caribbean country, but the State of Florida is acting as though people from those countries were responsible, and pose a danger to the national security of our country, but avoid closing loopholes that made possible for the real terrorist to carry out their heinous crimes against our nation.
The Florida legislature failed to pass laws requiring colleges, universities and training schools, such as pilot license training, to scrutinize and verify foreign applicants possess proper student visas, and to provide information to authorities on any foreign applicant without a current student visa. In light of 9/11 wherein well financed al-Qaeda-associated students were in fact in Florida training for terrorism, it would seem what was being asked of the Florida legislative body was both prudent and necessary.
Instead the Florida State legislature passed legislation, and Governor Jeb Bush signed into law, prohibiting the issuance of Florida Driver’s License to applicants who could not prove their US citizenship or legal status in the country, and provided for local law enforcement authorities to hold and turn over to the INS/Border Patrol persons suspected of being in the country illegally.
Both the State legislative body and Governor Bush know full well these laws will only affect Haitians and Hispanics as a majority, not al-Qaeda-Middle Eastern/European potential terrorists. So why such openly discriminatory laws? Why the insistence of passing very foolish laws?
Such laws are passed and enacted to act as pacifiers, to convey the message to frustrated and scared voters that their elected officials are on top of things, and doing something positive – “so I am worthy of your vote yet again” – but that is all it does, because in fact it opens the doors to new loopholes, and sets the stage for further tragedy and endangers public safety.
Visitors to the United States in possession of a valid driver’s license issued by their country of citizenship is acceptable in any state in the US, as is the driver’s license from any US state acceptable in foreign countries. So a foreigner in Florida with a “valid” driver’s license from his home country does not need a Florida license while “visiting” there. To get around the, “If you’re visiting, why is the car registered to you with a local address” question, a new industry will surely be created – car rentals to such “visitors,” which will include insurance, and of course, false visitor’s visas.
So Florida and other states passing such foolish laws will give birth to a new underground illegal industry that will ultimately play havoc with local authorities and render the “I want your vote” laws a yoke joke and will necessitate a new set of laws.
Meantime of course, al-Qaeda terrorists will be free to roam Florida in search of new terrorist opportunities, while those who are here seeking a new life, working hard to earn a living doing jobs terrorists or Americans won’t do, are victimized by foolish laws and in desperation are further driven into the abyss of illegal activity.
Patrick Osio, Jr. is the Editor of HispanicVista.Com (
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