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Subject: Poll workers discouraged Hispanic voters

tony morejon
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Date Posted: 07:30:27 05/23/02 Thu

Justice letter chides Osceola

By David Damron | Sentinel Staff Writer
Posted May 23, 2002

Osceola County poll workers discouraged Hispanic voters in the 2000 election by refusing them language assistance, insisting that they speak English and requiring them to have green cards before they could vote, the Justice Department alleges in a scathing letter to Elections Supervisor Donna Bryant.

In the letter, received by the county on May 17, Assistant Attorney General Ralph Boyd Jr. threatens to file suit if Bryant doesn't make changes.

The letter surfaced Wednesday, a day after Boyd told a U.S. Senate committee about Justice Department plans to sue three Florida counties and two cities in Tennessee and Missouri for similar ballot-access issues.

Miami-Dade is the second county in Florida under threat of legal action. Election officials in Florida's other 65 counties Wednesday said they were unaware of any federal lawsuit planned against them.

Boyd's letter to Bryant details a lack of Spanish voting instructions and a shortage of bilingual poll workers -- a problem, he said, that continued during a 2001 special election in Osceola that Justice Department officials monitored.

In that election, Boyd wrote in his May 13 letter, "Some poll workers we encountered were hostile to Spanish-speaking voters. They were insistent that these voters should speak English in order to be able to vote."

Such behavior, Boyd said, denied some Hispanic citizens "an equal opportunity to participate in the county's electoral process."

Bryant could not be reached for comment. Elections office attorney John Ritch said he didn't become fully aware that Osceola County was among the three targeted counties until Wednesday.

"We apparently are involved," Ritch said. "Right now we're working to resolve that."

Osceola County continues to recruit Spanish-speaking poll workers and offer voting information and instructions to Hispanic workers, said Ritch, of the Overstreet, Miles, Ritch & Cumbie firm in Kissimmee. He said no monetary penalties have been discussed, "but I imagine there would be some sort of financial issues involved."

News of the pending lawsuits shocked officials in Florida, a state that passed major election reforms after the bitterly contested 2000 race ended with George W. Bush edging Al Gore by 537 votes.

Still angry about the outcome of the election and the treatment of Hispanics at the polls, Osceola County Democratic Party official Armando Ramirez said Bryant, a fellow Democrat, should be sued. However, he thinks the threat is a Republican ploy to curry Hispanic votes.

He said Bryant made some strides, such as a quarterly newsletter in Spanish offering election reminders and requesting poll workers. A similar letter already was in English.

"She's still behind," Ramirez said. "She's not accessible to the Hispanic community. She's not reaching out to us."

Hector Santiago, who worked as poll deputy in Osceola's Precinct 42 in the 2000 election, said officials should have made better provisions for Spanish-speaking voters, whose numbers have increased dramatically in the county in recent years.

"People would ask me a question, and the rules say all I was supposed to do was point them to a sign on the wall," Santiago said.

Many voters were new residents unfamiliar with the punch-card equipment Osceola used, he said.

"Everybody here is from someplace else, and they'd never voted on these machines before," Santiago said. "They'd say, 'I've never done this; what am I doing?' And the instructions just weren't any good. There were a lot of people who threw away their votes."

Creole problems in Miami

Similar language-barrier complaints in Miami-Dade triggered the Justice Department lawsuit threat there, as well.

Miami-Dade was contacted by phone 10 days ago by Justice Department officials wanting to discuss how the county provided language help to Creole-speaking Haitians.

"That's their whole issue," Miami-Dade Assistant County Attorney Murray Greenberg said. Greenberg conceded there may not have been enough Creole-speaking volunteers at the polls but said it wasn't for a lack of trying. More than two years ago, the county passed a law requiring ballots to be available in Creole. It was in effect for the 2000 election.

"We've had Creole-speaking people -- as many as we can get -- come to the polls to help," he said. "Many of them signed up for training but for whatever reason didn't show up on Election Day."

He said the lawsuit is unnecessary, and the Justice Department is a "Johnny-come-lately" to the Creole issue. The county has spent $25 million on new touch-screen voting machines, which will provide ballots in three languages.

Complaints in Palm Beach

In Palm Beach County, meanwhile, some voiced surprise that the home of the infamous butterfly ballot has not been threatened with a lawsuit.

More than 20,000 residents -- including disabled, Haitian, Hispanic and black voters -- filed affidavits with the county Democratic Party claiming to have been victims of discrimination.

"We should be [sued]," said Monte Friedkin, Palm Beach County Democratic chairman. "We're in worse shape than the other two counties."

The Justice Department on Wednesday again refused to name Florida's third county under a lawsuit threat.

After the presidential election, several counties fielded inquiries from federal officials about complaints over their voting procedures. Some were singled out for criticism by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

That left some election officials less than certain that they wouldn't be targeted.

"Our mayor's office hasn't heard anything, and our general counsel hasn't heard anything," said Elections Supervisor John Stafford of Duval County, where a confusing ballot design led to thousands of presidential votes being thrown out -- many of them in black-majority precincts.

But Stafford added, "If you hear anything, let me know. I'm kind of curious myself."

Darrell West, a political-science professor at Brown University, said he was surprised at the timing of the Justice Department's actions.

At this point -- particularly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks -- the election fiasco has been mostly forgotten, West said. And given the pace of most court cases, he added, nothing significant can be accomplished by this fall's primaries and general elections unless there is a quick settlement.

West questioned whether focusing on language and access issues will address all of the problems uncovered during the election. However, he stressed the importance of voter education and offering voting materials in more than one language. It's particularly crucial in a county such as Osceola this fall, because voters will be acclimating themselves to new voting machines.

"Any time you change the technology, it's disorienting, and it takes a while for people to figure out how to use the new techniques," West said. "And non-English speakers face a particular barrier just because they need bilingual ballots. This is not a Florida problem; this really is a national problem."

Christopher Edley, co-director of the Civil Rights Project at Harvard Law School and a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, said he feels vindicated by the Justice Department's actions. At the same time, Edley said, he is dismayed it took so long.

Santiago, the Osceola poll worker, wants to know why elections officials needed the federal government to tell them to provide more help to Hispanic voters.

More than 27 percent of Osceola's roughly 170,000 residents are voting-age Hispanics, according to federal officials.

"We're not just a slice of the pie here anymore," he said. "If everywhere you go, everything is in English and Spanish, shouldn't that tell you something?"

Roger Roy, Linda Kleindienst, Gwyneth Shaw, Mark Pino and Kevin Connolly of the Sentinel staff contributed to this report. David Damron can be reached at ddamron@orlandosentinel.com or 407-420-5311

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[> Subject: Re: Poll workers discouraged Hispanic voters

Armando Ramirez
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Date Posted: 14:05:12 07/12/10 Mon

>Justice letter chides Osceola
>By David Damron | Sentinel Staff Writer
>Posted May 23, 2002
>Osceola County poll workers discouraged Hispanic
>voters in the 2000 election by refusing them language
>assistance, insisting that they speak English and
>requiring them to have green cards before they could
>vote, the Justice Department alleges in a scathing
>letter to Elections Supervisor Donna Bryant.
>In the letter, received by the county on May 17,
>Assistant Attorney General Ralph Boyd Jr. threatens to
>file suit if Bryant doesn't make changes.
>The letter surfaced Wednesday, a day after Boyd told a
>U.S. Senate committee about Justice Department plans
>to sue three Florida counties and two cities in
>Tennessee and Missouri for similar ballot-access
>Miami-Dade is the second county in Florida under
>threat of legal action. Election officials in
>Florida's other 65 counties Wednesday said they were
>unaware of any federal lawsuit planned against them.
>Boyd's letter to Bryant details a lack of Spanish
>voting instructions and a shortage of bilingual poll
>workers -- a problem, he said, that continued during a
>2001 special election in Osceola that Justice
>Department officials monitored.
>In that election, Boyd wrote in his May 13 letter,
>"Some poll workers we encountered were hostile to
>Spanish-speaking voters. They were insistent that
>these voters should speak English in order to be able
>to vote."
>Such behavior, Boyd said, denied some Hispanic
>citizens "an equal opportunity to participate in the
>county's electoral process."
>Bryant could not be reached for comment. Elections
>office attorney John Ritch said he didn't become fully
>aware that Osceola County was among the three targeted
>counties until Wednesday.
>"We apparently are involved," Ritch said. "Right now
>we're working to resolve that."
>Osceola County continues to recruit Spanish-speaking
>poll workers and offer voting information and
>instructions to Hispanic workers, said Ritch, of the
>Overstreet, Miles, Ritch & Cumbie firm in Kissimmee.
>He said no monetary penalties have been discussed,
>"but I imagine there would be some sort of financial
>issues involved."
>News of the pending lawsuits shocked officials in
>Florida, a state that passed major election reforms
>after the bitterly contested 2000 race ended with
>George W. Bush edging Al Gore by 537 votes.
>Still angry about the outcome of the election and the
>treatment of Hispanics at the polls, Osceola County
>Democratic Party official Armando Ramirez said Bryant,
>a fellow Democrat, should be sued. However, he thinks
>the threat is a Republican ploy to curry Hispanic
>He said Bryant made some strides, such as a quarterly
>newsletter in Spanish offering election reminders and
>requesting poll workers. A similar letter already was
>in English.
>"She's still behind," Ramirez said. "She's not
>accessible to the Hispanic community. She's not
>reaching out to us."
>Hector Santiago, who worked as poll deputy in
>Osceola's Precinct 42 in the 2000 election, said
>officials should have made better provisions for
>Spanish-speaking voters, whose numbers have increased
>dramatically in the county in recent years.
>"People would ask me a question, and the rules say all
>I was supposed to do was point them to a sign on the
>wall," Santiago said.
>Many voters were new residents unfamiliar with the
>punch-card equipment Osceola used, he said.
>"Everybody here is from someplace else, and they'd
>never voted on these machines before," Santiago said.
>"They'd say, 'I've never done this; what am I doing?'
>And the instructions just weren't any good. There were
>a lot of people who threw away their votes."
>Creole problems in Miami
>Similar language-barrier complaints in Miami-Dade
>triggered the Justice Department lawsuit threat there,
>as well.
>Miami-Dade was contacted by phone 10 days ago by
>Justice Department officials wanting to discuss how
>the county provided language help to Creole-speaking
>"That's their whole issue," Miami-Dade Assistant
>County Attorney Murray Greenberg said. Greenberg
>conceded there may not have been enough
>Creole-speaking volunteers at the polls but said it
>wasn't for a lack of trying. More than two years ago,
>the county passed a law requiring ballots to be
>available in Creole. It was in effect for the 2000
>"We've had Creole-speaking people -- as many as we can
>get -- come to the polls to help," he said. "Many of
>them signed up for training but for whatever reason
>didn't show up on Election Day."
>He said the lawsuit is unnecessary, and the Justice
>Department is a "Johnny-come-lately" to the Creole
>issue. The county has spent $25 million on new
>touch-screen voting machines, which will provide
>ballots in three languages.
>Complaints in Palm Beach
>In Palm Beach County, meanwhile, some voiced surprise
>that the home of the infamous butterfly ballot has not
>been threatened with a lawsuit.
>More than 20,000 residents -- including disabled,
>Haitian, Hispanic and black voters -- filed affidavits
>with the county Democratic Party claiming to have been
>victims of discrimination.
>"We should be [sued]," said Monte Friedkin, Palm Beach
>County Democratic chairman. "We're in worse shape than
>the other two counties."
>The Justice Department on Wednesday again refused to
>name Florida's third county under a lawsuit threat.
>After the presidential election, several counties
>fielded inquiries from federal officials about
>complaints over their voting procedures. Some were
>singled out for criticism by the U.S. Commission on
>Civil Rights.
>That left some election officials less than certain
>that they wouldn't be targeted.
>"Our mayor's office hasn't heard anything, and our
>general counsel hasn't heard anything," said Elections
>Supervisor John Stafford of Duval County, where a
>confusing ballot design led to thousands of
>presidential votes being thrown out -- many of them in
>black-majority precincts.
>But Stafford added, "If you hear anything, let me
>know. I'm kind of curious myself."
>Darrell West, a political-science professor at Brown
>University, said he was surprised at the timing of the
>Justice Department's actions.
>At this point -- particularly after the Sept. 11
>terrorist attacks -- the election fiasco has been
>mostly forgotten, West said. And given the pace of
>most court cases, he added, nothing significant can be
>accomplished by this fall's primaries and general
>elections unless there is a quick settlement.
>West questioned whether focusing on language and
>access issues will address all of the problems
>uncovered during the election. However, he stressed
>the importance of voter education and offering voting
>materials in more than one language. It's particularly
>crucial in a county such as Osceola this fall, because
>voters will be acclimating themselves to new voting
>"Any time you change the technology, it's
>disorienting, and it takes a while for people to
>figure out how to use the new techniques," West said.
>"And non-English speakers face a particular barrier
>just because they need bilingual ballots. This is not
>a Florida problem; this really is a national problem."
>Christopher Edley, co-director of the Civil Rights
>Project at Harvard Law School and a member of the U.S.
>Commission on Civil Rights, said he feels vindicated
>by the Justice Department's actions. At the same time,
>Edley said, he is dismayed it took so long.
>Santiago, the Osceola poll worker, wants to know why
>elections officials needed the federal government to
>tell them to provide more help to Hispanic voters.
>More than 27 percent of Osceola's roughly 170,000
>residents are voting-age Hispanics, according to
>federal officials.
>"We're not just a slice of the pie here anymore," he
>said. "If everywhere you go, everything is in English
>and Spanish, shouldn't that tell you something?"
>Roger Roy, Linda Kleindienst, Gwyneth Shaw, Mark Pino
>and Kevin Connolly of the Sentinel staff contributed
>to this report. David Damron can be reached at
>ddamron@orlandosentinel.com or 407-420-5311

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