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Subject: I am here!!!!

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Date Posted: 08:42:42 04/30/02 Tue

The XCW comes back on air and the millions of fans cheer and scream. All of a sudden the lights go dark and break stuff hits.

Oakes: Who the hell is this? I didnt know we had a new comer

Ivanhoe: Shhh I wanna know who it is. Maybe it`s a really scary guy or a women with big puppies!!!

Oakes: I dont think a womens entrance will be a rock song to be honest

As break stuff is playin a man with jeans and a tshirt on walks out. He has blonde hair and a blond gootee. The fans dont know wether to cheer or boo. He struts to the ring and rolls in. He then grbas a mic from the annoncer. He rubs his gotte and looks around the arena. He then begins to talk.

Chad: Now I know most of you maybe all of you havent got the slighest clue who I am. Well i`ll make this short. My name is Chad and I came here not only to kick ass but to become a star and win titles. I have been walking round the back area and I gotta admit I have very good compation. Especially the guy named snake. Now i`m not gonna whine an bitch about how I wanna match. I dont care who I face and when it is all I care about is wether I win. If I win, I win with style. If I lose fair enough. I wont throw a fit. I wont go backstage and take my anger out on a locker room or a wrestler. If anyone has a problem with me they sort it out with me. They dont hide it and expect me to forgive them.

Chad does a lil laugh

Chad: I basically fair. But people can piss me off. When people do piss me off I get angry then I take my fustrations out on someone one on one in a match. I will then atomic drop your ass then it`s nighty night. Your knocked out flat on the floor.
Anyway thats basically me. I hope to see someone in the ring real quick So I can show you all just how tough I can be. Oh yeah and one more thing my stay in here wont be short I hope to be here for a loooong time.

Chad smiles then His music blasts out of the p.a. He drops his mic and the fans cheer a lil bit. He wlaks up the ramp, He then turns round stares at the crowd then he turns back round and walks through the back curtain

The XCW then goes to a commercial break.

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