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Subject: Chad

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Date Posted: 13:07:05 05/03/02 Fri

The XCW comes back on air and the fans scream. A commrcial pops upon the screen and it is showing some of the events coming up. It then ends and the whole arena goes dark...all of a sudden break stuff hits the p.a...The fans jump to their feet and cheer as Chad walks out. He has his usual jeans and black boots on. He is wearing a XCW top and has a mic in hand. He strolls to the ring and rolls in. He walks around the ring stearing at the fans. He then puts the mic up to his mouth and begins to talk.....

Chad: Now i`m just gonna get down to the point. I have been walking around out back thinkin about who I want as a opponent in the next event. I was thinkin long and hard. I wnated someone who had great carisma, good skills and can talk alot of smack when he wants to. Then I thoigh I know exactly who I could face.....Snake. Now snake I know i`m new here infact we are all new here and it`s not that I didnt want to wrestle any one else it`s just I think your good compatiton. I can finally prove to the world just how tough I am. I didnt really wanna talk for long since I got some buisness to take care of but i`ll think i`ll say what i gotta say.
If I get my match with you snake and I face you one on one I will stare at you for a minute then kick your ass for a lil bit maybe your kick my ass but i doubt it very much i`ll then give your ass the biggest atomic bomb yet then it`s nighty night for you. Hopefully you carrer will still be intack but we will see. Your probably thinkin why the hell are you so damn sure you will win well to be honest i`m not. I`m just pshycin myself up. Hell it might be the other way round you might kick the crap outta me and you will win. N e way if I get my match we will just have to see but remember this I have been in a few more companies and I have been known for knocking out a few people with the atomic drop and unfortunately some peoples carres have been ended

Chad drops the mic and the fans cheer some fans boo a lil bit as they like snake. Chad`s music hits the p.a and he rolls out the ring. He strolls up the ramp and walks underneath the titantron and goes backstage. The XCW then goes to a break.

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