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Date Posted: 13:55:54 01/31/04 Sat
Author: Mary
Author Host/IP: alc238024.columbus.rr.com /
Subject: Wrestler's Careers Ruined by WWE

Since you were talking about recent matches on WWE (HHH vs HBK) I thought I'd mention what I feel WWE is doing to some fantastic wrestler's career. They have destroyed Kane by making him into a psycho nut bag with absolutely no redeeming qualities. By removing his mask and persona of a wounded warrior they have taken away what made Kane tick. This was an outstanding wrestler both on screen and in person he gave the audience what they wanted and someone to cheer for. Another waste of a fantastic wrestler is Billy Gunn aka Billy Kidman. I have seen this man perform in person and he gives 110 percent every time. He has jumped through so many hoops for this company so many times I am surprised he hasn't sprung an ankle. Now he is a lower card performer just wasting away. Instead they stick pig nose Triple H in the ring because they HAVE to and let him win..again.. against a super talent like HBK. This downhill roll all started when they disbanded the Hardy Boyz and Jeff is now showing up on NWA or whatever it is called. Vince McMahon Sr.is probably spinning in his grave.

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