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Date Posted: 20:31:30 03/03/04 Wed
Author: Mary
Author Host/IP: alc238024.columbus.rr.com /
Subject: Re: New Warrior Post!
In reply to: miamiwarrior 's message, "Re: New Warrior Post!" on 21:29:21 03/02/04 Tue

>Warrior was eloquent and clear about his Beliefs. And
>He provided evidence to back up his strong held
>beliefs, while being a little humorous about things at
>the same time. He also showed some business savy when
>referring to the situation with the new WARRIOR Figure
>(or doll as He put it,maybe poking fun at grown men
>who collect such things). He knows how to make the
>Warrior Figure a very wanted item. And of course He's
>going to capitalize by selling the 1 Warrior Special
>Limited edition from his collection of only 5 made. I
>guess He has bills to pay too. Gotta make money
>somehow if not going to Wrestle anymore...
>Interesting to see what his view will be on the
>Passion of the Christ movie as well. Although He'll
>probably just bash it like He does with many things.
I wouldn't call it bashing so much as having a very very strong opinion. Like he says in his disclaimer if you don't like what you see don't come to the site. I think he would be great on a political debate type of show. But have you noticed he doesn't suffer fools likely on either side of the political fence. He pointed out that Pres. Bush needs to stop apologizing for his motives as president and get down to the business of being president. And he has stated his dislike for many so called conservatives that are filling up our airwaves such as Bill O'Reilly and others. As for The Passion, that is one word I think that describes Warrior the best so I think he will come away with a very passionate view and we will all hear of it soon.

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