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Date Posted: 02:44:19 03/08/04 Mon
Author: SLY 666
Author Host/IP: modemcable254.64-70-69.mc.videotron.ca /
Subject: Re: New Warrior Post!
In reply to: Scrapiron Bryan 's message, "New Warrior Post!" on 01:37:27 03/02/04 Tue


I have no problems with a guy who gives an opinion about a subject like homosexuality (I have a wife and 2 kids my self)... but a subject like that NEEDS to be treated in a politically correct way... It is very odd (to use his words) that a person who claims to be ''in politic'' like the Warrior can't understand that... It is just a matter of respect for gods sake! If he wants to represent ''the poeple'' he has to respect them.... by the way a man's death deserves to be treated with respect.... what did the warrior showed in the past regarding the deaths of multiple wrestlers??? let's not get there please!!!!
That's the problem with Jim Hellwig he doesn't seem to care about anybody but himself and I really don't think having a discussion with him would be possible because his ideas are SO clearly defined... no place for arguing or getting somewhere... it seems to me like the warrior feels he holds the truth and that there's no way he can be wrong...
When I meet someone like that, it doesn't take long for me to realize...'' you know what? I think i'm gonna go speak with someone who's more open minded... because this person right here obviously knows everything... ''. That's exactly it! The Warrior is everything but open minded! For him nothing can be grey right? It's either black or white...on every subject! You know what? I really think I don't like conservatives after all!

By the way, I'm from Montreal, Canada and each summer we have the biggest gay parade/party worldwide... so a guy as intolerant as Jim Hellwig would get probably nothing less than 1 or 2 votes around here.... but I guess a red neck like him probably doesn't really care what a Yankee like me has to say??? I am probably Oh SO ignorant!!! (that's is favorite!!!)

Anyway... that post was the last one for me... The Ultimate Warrior is dead...and for those of you who are dying to see him in ''political action''...enjoy!!!

RIP Ultimate Warrior....

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