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Subject: If the mailbox bomber was of another race, he'd be a terrorist right?

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Date Posted: 18:42:14 05/12/02 Sun

Why is it that the 21 yr old white college student who recently planted 18 pipe-bombs in mailboxes throughout 5 different states has not been called a "terrorist"? Do you have to be non-white to be considered a "terrorist", or is all of this rhetoric simply media propaganda designed to brainwash american people into hating the country's so-called enemies.

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[> Subject: Re: If the mailbox bomber was of another race, he'd be a terrorist right?

Afrikan Lion
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Date Posted: 10:38:14 05/13/02 Mon

Greetings in Afrikan love....Hell yea....u have to be non-white to be considered a terrorist. This shouldn't even be asked....Look at all the white folks that have gotten away with heneous crimes and haven't been called terrorists....KKK, Every state Police Dept. The FBI, CIA, ATF, the US trained paramilitaries in South and Central America, that are desecrating Afro-Latino communities, Timmy McVeigh, the Trench Coat Mafia, just about every US president, none of them ever get called or will be called terrorists. John Walker Lindh...the WHITE Taliban....has not been called a Terrorist...yet the Black Panthers, Dr. King, the Nation of Islam, Paul Robeson, Richard Wright, SNCC, and many other Afrikan organizations have been labeld as communists during the Red Scare. We will be the terrorists of the new War on Terrorism. I already stand trial, facing a charge of Terroristic Treatening. All of this is an excuse for them to maintain the status quo, but like Lauryn said...it's Freedom Time, and All I Have to Say is Rebel. Guidance and protection Lion and Empress, in life which is the struggle! Jah love

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