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Subject: Re: 10 Questions that make me think

Afrikan Lion
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Date Posted: 09:07:46 05/17/02 Fri
In reply to: Proph 's message, "10 Questions that make me think" on 22:45:03 05/14/02 Tue

Exactly the point we need to get across. Jesus would not be telling people not to go to all these places, because that would be hypocritical. Jesus himself was always amongst the same people that Christians today tell you to steer clear of. All of the disciples of Jesus were themselves crooks, addicts, and tax collectors, etc. That's where the word of Jah is most needed, not amongst the bougoisie. The bugoisie are just wicked...their spirits are already uplifted, and exalted by the boxes they set up for us. That was the need for Emanuel's message. The people were so oppressed and displaced by the bugoisie of the time, that they were in a deplorable state; crime, drugs, disease, poverty, all the ills of society that we Afrikans face across this earth. Jesus (Properly called Emanuel, or Yashua), stepped up to speak out for what he saw. He went into the ghetto (not being of the slum himself....A carpenter always makes a decent living, however due to a slow economy for second-class citizens, same as for us today, Joseph and the fam. was faced with some hard times...they try to make you believe Jesus was poor, by that manger story...but he ain't get a room in the Inn because there was no room) and spoke with the more infected ones, in order to restore their humanity, and lift them from the fuckery of the shitstem that was oppressing them.

To touch on your other point, people don't want to research because Igonorance is BLISS (Blined Lives Influencing a Slave Society). People much rather fill their lives with fantasy, because reality is too harsh to bare. When we face reality, it scares us at first, because we see how thoroghly our people have been duped into all kinds of spiritual, social, and mental ills. We are 360 degrees infected as a people, and until we purge (or at least begin purging) our system of these ills not just mentally, not just physically, and not just spiritually, but until we purge ourselves of these ills, no one will be saved. And, until we start stepping up as Emanuel did, none of us are rightfully the Children of Jah. Guidance and protection through the Almighty.


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[> [> Subject: Re: 10 Questions that make me think

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Date Posted: 20:07:18 05/17/02 Fri

I feel some real gross misunderstandings about Christianity going on and I feel it is even harder to understand for those who do not follow "in" the faith. Reading about Christ and following in Christs steps are two different things.

Afrikan Lion, you said that Christ if he were hear today would not be telling us to not go places...If you read the bible, Christ walked amongst men. Men come in all different shapes, sizes, actions etc. Christ witnessed to them, he didn't hang out with crooks and thieves. They followed him and he witnessed to them about his father in heaven and about leading righteous lives. Christ did not turn his back on sin in any instance. He scolded the apostles for getting out of line, he told the woman to turn from her adultery. He cleaned the temple that had been turned into a market. Jesus did not condone sin in any way. He called for people to repent and be washed of thier sins. Christ was not a rich man. Another connection you are making is between Catholicism and Protestantism which are two completely different paths that cannot be combined. Protestant do not follow the order of the pope and the holy father and all that...You say Christ wouldn't say dont go to all these places-what places? You think that Christ would condone someone going to the club? Listening to the music that people listen too? Going to strip clubs, those kinds of places? Of course he wouldn't condone it. You cant seriously put up an argument that says he would.

You keep mentioning a difference between Western Christianity and Ethiopian Christianity. Whats the difference? Explain to me.Paul was not a fair skinned man. he was a color much like Jesus was, so if you are trying to make a white-black distinction you are sadly misguided cuz non can be made. I have also seen you give acclaim to Martin Luther King. The reverend, in western Christianity. He got his idead from the Bible so your arguments are all flawed.

Where does it say that all the disciples were crooks and addicts? If you're referring to Matthew 9:9-13 then you need to read that verse again. Christ said he came to the sick, not the healthy, he came to preach to the sinner. He was the atonement for sin..why wouldn't he preach to the sinners? Where is this story about Joshua that you are saying, coming from.

As far as pagan stories of 3 part deities.God has been around forever, you think that no one has ever miscontrued his revelation before? Read Romans the first 3 chapters and you will get some real knowledge.

I pray that you yourself get out of the box, because you are more oppressed in your thoughts than you think.

1 in Christ


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