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Subject: 10 Questions that make me think

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Date Posted: 22:45:03 05/14/02 Tue

1)How can so many claim to know Christ as thier personal savior,yet seem to overlook that he calls us to be holy and consecrated?

-Which means abstaining from all things that are not of Christ-parties,sexin,drugs,drunkeness etc...

2)How come everyone is so quick to deem someone a super Christian, or claim the "holier than thow" line when many are doing nothing more than what the Bible states you should do in the first place?

-Not all who say they are true followers of Christ are. You have to look for the fruits of the spirit

3) How come everybody wants to go to heaven, but heavily indulge in activities that they know will send them to hell?

-Hell is not just for murderers and rapists. It doesn't matter how good a person you "think" you are-Christ says no one can see the father without coming through him first.

4) How come those who have so many questions concerning the Bible's authenticity-are always the ones trying to quote from the bible?

-You can't believe in 2 scriptures in the bible. It's all or none

5)How can someone believe in Christ but not believe in his teachings?

6)Can I be annointed singing on BET, and then sing I'm Bootylicious the very next night.

-I dont think your ready

7) We ignore God all year, then on Sept.11th it's all God bless America.

Sorry that wasn't a question

8)Is it me, or is there something unnerving about seeing an ad for the "Get ya Freak On" party, and a Church service all on the same flyer?

-Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm...

9)Why are we so quick to label something Gospel rap that has nothing to do with Christ(the main person of the Gospels)i.e. KRS-1, Cee-Lo Green

10) Is anybody really going to buy Puffy's Gospel Album?

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[> Subject: Re: 10 Questions that make me think

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Date Posted: 22:47:24 05/14/02 Tue

Sorry i forgot to mention that these question pertain to those who are Christian, or at least claim to be. You can obviously reject anything i say, but I just pray you think.

1 Luv in Christ


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[> Subject: Re: 10 Questions that make me think

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Date Posted: 21:24:43 05/15/02 Wed

This is for those who think that they are the only ones who "think". Think on these questions....

Why is it that the original religion of Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus, etc. remained unchanged? But, suddenly when Paul (the former persecuter and hater of those who practiced this religion) came on the scene, everything suddenly changed...and we are cool with that? Everything about the new testament, the new covenant, whatever you wanna call it, was influenced by Paul. There are soooooo many similarities between this new covenant, and ancient hellenistic or "paganistic" religions dating back way before Christ. I'm not just saying this either. The idea of holy communion. This was practiced way before Christ's death...look it up if you don't believe it. The idea of eating and drinking the body and blood of a man/god is not unique to Christianity. Look it up in the library or on the internet if you want. Keywords--> Mithras(Persian), Dionysus(Greece), Osirus(Egypt)...the list goes on. Of course we don't learn about this in class, or in church. These paganistic religions where wiped out as the Roman Empire and Europe began to adopt this new religion Christianity. If you refuse to believe that Hellenistic and Paganistic ideas could have influenced the real truth, where do you think Christmas on December 25th came from? Christs birthday. I think not. This was the pagan's day to celebrate the winter solstice/the sun god's birthday. What about Easter? These dates were celebrated long before Christ and just incorporated along with several other concepts. Let us continue. Why is it that there is no mention of a 3 part God until we get into the period of Roman and Hellenistic influence. No one before Pauls books ever mentioned the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as being part of the one God. As a matter of fact, not even Paul ever says that these 3 beings are 1 God. It was the Roman Emporer Constantine who came up with this idea at the Council of Nicea. So, now we want to claim that its from God.

My friend God is bigger than this book you use to judge everyone. Many of the people you say are going to hell, are likely to be more in touch with the truth than you.
Do you believe that the Bible is perfect?
There are tooo many examples in the Bible showing those who really seek the truth without bias that the book is not perfect....
Just consider what this book says about women. I will only include the new testament, since this is what most believe now.

1 Corinthians 11:3: "...Christ is the head of every man, and a husband the head of his wife, and the head of Christ is God. (NIV)". There is some debate among theologians about the translation of the Greek word "kephale" as "head." However that word is universally used in New Testament translations.

1 Corinthians 11:7-9:"For a man...is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman but woman for man. For this reason, and because of the angels, the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head." (NIV) This refers to the practice of women wearing hair covering as a sign of inferiority. This is not longer widely observed today.

1 Corinthians 14:34-35: "...women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says, If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church."

THis is the great Paul spreading the word of man, not God my friend.

1 Timothy 2:11-15:"A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent..." (NIV)

You said, "How come those who have so many questions concerning the Bible's authenticity-are always the ones trying to quote from the bible? You can't believe in 2 scriptures in the bible. It's all or none"
Well, my friend, are you telling me that you believe this. Please, do not try to give me some abstract meanings to these simply stated scriptures. It is very obvious, unless you don't want to be real with yourself, that these represent the influence of the current tradition of treating women as inferiors during the period of time when the books were written...by men. And trust me, theres a lot more where that came from. Thats only a few passage regarding women.

There is much information in the Bible that if studied with a spiritual mind can help one understand God, but be careful about how you use certain doctrine to condemn everyone.

You asked, "How can someone believe in Christ but not believe in his teachings?"

I ask you, "Are those Christ's teachings that you refer to, or somebody else putting words in Christ's mouth?"

Do not think that this is impossible. If you do, you are giving man too much credit. Don't be so naive. There is too much evidence.

I am going to stop here, and wait upon a response.

Let us continue to sincerely and unbiasedly seek the truth together my friend.

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[> [> Subject: Re: 10 Questions that make me think

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Date Posted: 19:35:44 05/17/02 Fri

I do believe that when Jesus came that everything did change. Jesus coming was, for the Jew, the fullfilment of the prophecy in the scripture.The reason Judaism has not "changed" is because they didn't accept Christ as the Messiah, so they continue to follow the practices of the old covenant still waiting for a Messiah.It's not that Paul just came and started changing everything,Jesus was the person who started the new covenant with his crucifixion.How could Jesus live his life as a Christian when it was after he died that the Holy Spirit so that his message would be delivered to the World. Christian means nothing more than one belonging to Christ. It's a name given to those who have accepted Christ as their personal savior, its not a club. If you look at the Bible, it doesn't really change between the old and new Covenant laws. The change is that the messiah came,and through him there was an expansion on the old covenant. The 10 Commandments still exist and are followed by Christians, but unlike Judaism, observance of these laws are not sufficient to warrant admittance into the Kingdom of God because God sent Christ to the world as the sacrifice for sin. People love to quote some of Christs teachings and questions others. Christ did not hide the fact that God was 3 in one. He refers to himself as being God in the bible many times. "Before Moses was I am". This is one example of Jesus talking about his connection with the Father.I'm pretty sure that everything that Jesus ever said is not in the Bible, but I'm also sure that God has given us enough information in the Bible to lead a holy life that is pleasing to him.

Now there are some discrepancies in the bible, not contradictions, because it was written by man.But the teachings and the points are consistant. The only way to heaven is through Christ. PERIOD.Now everyone is quick to say that Christians judge everyone. The truth is that it doesn't take a scholar to tell you that getting drunk,doing drugs,runnin around with many partners is detrimental to your physical and spiritual health. Thats commen sense, and everyone knows it, but people like to live the way they want and dont want people to tell them they're wrong for doing things they know they shouldn't be doing anyway.Why do Christians get so much hostility for telling people to love one another,take care of thier bodies and be holy with Christ as a role model. Is that such a crazy idea? I don't think so.

As far as Christmas and easter, does anybody really know the actual birthdate of Jesus? He was born in a manger, there was no scribes to document this event. True, Dec.25th may not be when Jesus was actually born, but isn't the reason for the celebration more important than actual knowledge. Then again why do people always charge Christianity with taking from other religions, when a moajority of religions quote the bible in thier scriptures and recognize Jesus as a great prophet. You think thats an accident? I don't.

I think that there are too many people in the business of trying to nit pick nothings to try and make thier life and ultimate destinet change, but it won't. You cannot cheat the fact that Christ is the only way to the Father. Only through Christ can the father, God be reached. That's in prayer, meditation whatever. If you don't go through Christ then you have no idea who is answering you when you think your praying to God. A scripture concerning woman in the Church does that change the fact that Christ is the son of God.

Once again for all who read this, you are more than free to reject anything that is said here. I only write because I truly have a love for all my brothers and sisters and pray that you come to repentance and allow Christ to be your personal savior so you can experience the joy that I have in serving him.

1 in Christ,


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[> Subject: Re: 10 Questions that make me think

Afrikan Lion
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Date Posted: 09:49:43 05/16/02 Thu

Psyhology...give thanks...I don't even need to say anymore. However, what we're faced with is people who are simply glad to be trapped in the box. Somehow we've gotten to the point, where we hold part of something, bigger than the whole. People allow themselves to be confined by common belief...misled by common belief...ignoring Knowledge. To piggy back off of the Easter thing....Easter is the pagan holiday celebrated for Ester the mother of horlatry (prostitution), this is where we get spring fever from...where the beast runs crazy having sex with any and everything. This is why the rabbit and the egg have become symbols of Easter, symbols of fertility. The rabbit for its rapid multiplicity rates, and the egg...for obvious reasons. Emaculate conceptions had happened before Yashua, Emanuel....read up on Asaur, Aset and Heru...Heru was conceived emaculately (Egytology). And it is that story as well, where the whole trinity comes from Asaur the Father, Heru the Son, and Asaur (reincarnated or RESSURECTED) as the Holy Spirit. So, through getting outside of the box, we will see how we have been "hoodwinked and bamboozled." But, we remain confined to beliefs that are not of ourselves...so how can they be for ourselves. Paul, who founded WESTERN Christianity (which is very different from Easter Christianity, or the Ethiopian Orthodox Church - which is THE oldest denomination of the Christian faith.), founded it not with the purpose of sharing joy and upliftment with the masses, but for control or the masses for his people that he was loyal to. The Roman Empire. That is why his burial place has been protected and basically turned into a soverign nation, called Vatican City. But then again, we are those who are crazy, who believe that Jah is within us...not only within Emanuel. His purpose was to show us the power we posess if we choose to use it, and to stand for something. But too many of us chose to stand for nothing, so as they say, and we see...we fall for anything, and then we hold on to it soo tight that we cannot let go, even if it's killing us. But, reality smacks everyone in the face someday...hopefully more of us will be awakened by that smack.

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[> Subject: Re: 10 Questions that make me think

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Date Posted: 11:32:35 05/16/02 Thu

You are obviously a seeker of the truth African Lion. Only through true investigation and meditation will we know God, God's spirit within us, and our purpose on this Earth. You brought up a good question. Do we really think that Jesus practiced and preached WESTERN Christianity as it exists today? Do we think that Jesus walked around saying, "You are going to hell for going to this or that social event." Of course this is what we are told. But, what we are told is irrelevant. What is important is what is true.

Just as we would be shocked to learn of what really goes on in the White House, likewise, we would be shocked to learn of what has gone on in the Vatican and in Christianity's history. We follow doctrine written, translated, and edited by men. Not even the most devout Christian will deny this. Yet, we don't want to research the validity of what these men passed down. Why is this?

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[> Subject: Re: 10 Questions that make me think

Afrikan Lion
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Date Posted: 09:07:46 05/17/02 Fri

Exactly the point we need to get across. Jesus would not be telling people not to go to all these places, because that would be hypocritical. Jesus himself was always amongst the same people that Christians today tell you to steer clear of. All of the disciples of Jesus were themselves crooks, addicts, and tax collectors, etc. That's where the word of Jah is most needed, not amongst the bougoisie. The bugoisie are just wicked...their spirits are already uplifted, and exalted by the boxes they set up for us. That was the need for Emanuel's message. The people were so oppressed and displaced by the bugoisie of the time, that they were in a deplorable state; crime, drugs, disease, poverty, all the ills of society that we Afrikans face across this earth. Jesus (Properly called Emanuel, or Yashua), stepped up to speak out for what he saw. He went into the ghetto (not being of the slum himself....A carpenter always makes a decent living, however due to a slow economy for second-class citizens, same as for us today, Joseph and the fam. was faced with some hard times...they try to make you believe Jesus was poor, by that manger story...but he ain't get a room in the Inn because there was no room) and spoke with the more infected ones, in order to restore their humanity, and lift them from the fuckery of the shitstem that was oppressing them.

To touch on your other point, people don't want to research because Igonorance is BLISS (Blined Lives Influencing a Slave Society). People much rather fill their lives with fantasy, because reality is too harsh to bare. When we face reality, it scares us at first, because we see how thoroghly our people have been duped into all kinds of spiritual, social, and mental ills. We are 360 degrees infected as a people, and until we purge (or at least begin purging) our system of these ills not just mentally, not just physically, and not just spiritually, but until we purge ourselves of these ills, no one will be saved. And, until we start stepping up as Emanuel did, none of us are rightfully the Children of Jah. Guidance and protection through the Almighty.


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[> [> Subject: Re: 10 Questions that make me think

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Date Posted: 20:07:18 05/17/02 Fri

I feel some real gross misunderstandings about Christianity going on and I feel it is even harder to understand for those who do not follow "in" the faith. Reading about Christ and following in Christs steps are two different things.

Afrikan Lion, you said that Christ if he were hear today would not be telling us to not go places...If you read the bible, Christ walked amongst men. Men come in all different shapes, sizes, actions etc. Christ witnessed to them, he didn't hang out with crooks and thieves. They followed him and he witnessed to them about his father in heaven and about leading righteous lives. Christ did not turn his back on sin in any instance. He scolded the apostles for getting out of line, he told the woman to turn from her adultery. He cleaned the temple that had been turned into a market. Jesus did not condone sin in any way. He called for people to repent and be washed of thier sins. Christ was not a rich man. Another connection you are making is between Catholicism and Protestantism which are two completely different paths that cannot be combined. Protestant do not follow the order of the pope and the holy father and all that...You say Christ wouldn't say dont go to all these places-what places? You think that Christ would condone someone going to the club? Listening to the music that people listen too? Going to strip clubs, those kinds of places? Of course he wouldn't condone it. You cant seriously put up an argument that says he would.

You keep mentioning a difference between Western Christianity and Ethiopian Christianity. Whats the difference? Explain to me.Paul was not a fair skinned man. he was a color much like Jesus was, so if you are trying to make a white-black distinction you are sadly misguided cuz non can be made. I have also seen you give acclaim to Martin Luther King. The reverend, in western Christianity. He got his idead from the Bible so your arguments are all flawed.

Where does it say that all the disciples were crooks and addicts? If you're referring to Matthew 9:9-13 then you need to read that verse again. Christ said he came to the sick, not the healthy, he came to preach to the sinner. He was the atonement for sin..why wouldn't he preach to the sinners? Where is this story about Joshua that you are saying, coming from.

As far as pagan stories of 3 part deities.God has been around forever, you think that no one has ever miscontrued his revelation before? Read Romans the first 3 chapters and you will get some real knowledge.

I pray that you yourself get out of the box, because you are more oppressed in your thoughts than you think.

1 in Christ


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[> Subject: Re: 10 Questions that make me think

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Date Posted: 10:16:19 05/18/02 Sat

I response to the one line responding to my last post..."As far as pagan stories of 3 part deities.God has been around forever, you think that no one has ever miscontrued his revelation before? Read Romans the first 3 chapters and you will get some real knowledge."...I have the following to say. This argument is one used by many to explain the very many similarities between Christianity and ancient Paganism. We tend to say, "Since God was here since the beginning, it is understandable that pagans may have taken the truth and misconstrued it...and hence the similarities." However, I believe that this idea is weak for the following reasons. And please do here me out. Let us really try to open our minds and analyze this completely without prior biases. If we agree that these pagans took the truth and corrupted/compromised it thousands of years before Christ, then we would have to say, therefore, that there was a similar form of Christianity being practiced thousands of years before Christ. How else could these pagans corrupt something if it didn't exist yet. Now, we also agree that until Christ's death, the truth as preached and practiced by all of the prophets, and biblical personalities including the people of God as described in the bible, were practicing religion as defined by the old covenant. Follow me. Do we agree that there were no followers of God praying in the name of Jesus, the son, at this time? Do we agree that there were no followers of God engaging in holy communion? Yes, we all agree about this (if you do not, please explain). So, how is it that there were Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, etc. practicing these religions which resemble todays Christianity? How is it that the concept of a 3 part God was known and preached by pagan sages, but was completely unknown to...lets say Moses or Noah??? Why is it that pagans spread the idea of communion, through there religion Mithraism, from India to Persia over 1 thousand years before the birth of Christ while Jews in Israel knew nothing about the concept? Do we ever hear David, in all of his Psalms, speak of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? If so, please let me know. For you see, I am not afraid to be wrong. I only am concerned with what is real, what is truth. I want to investigate this issue. So, I ask for a true response that does not beat around these rather fundamental questions. Notice, I received no comment concerning my use of the references to women as being obvious signs of man's hand in the Bible. Please, let us discuss this, so that we may better understand.

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[> [> Subject: Re: 10 Questions that make me think

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Date Posted: 13:18:19 05/18/02 Sat

In response to your quotes on woman I do believe that they may have been applicable to the times that Paul was living in. The bible also says that we should adapt the bible to the current times that we live in. I have no doubt that all scripture is inspired and given by God. So as we read the Bible we must understand through revelation from God that some things must be taken as a sign of the times that God was working in. I do not believe that all the scriptures concerning woman are applicable in this time because their are many annointed woman of God. I do not deny that woman was created to be servant of man, but this does denote abuse, or domestic violence in any way. It also says in the bible to treat your wife with respect and you would treat your own mother.

Concerning your comments on pagans. In pagan religion there exists many Gods. Pantheism was a major belief, that spirits exist in the world and that God was alive in nature. Many sacrifices, blood rituals etc. There was not just a belief in a triune but many Gods, that was the main practice. So to see three main Gods does not denote a belief in a triune.Many pagan sages preached the idea of a great number of Gods,each serving thier own purpose, not a triune. 3 beings part of a whole.

David does mention God and his holy spirit in Psalms 51:11 when he is calling on God for forgiveness of his actions with Bathsheeba. Psalms 51:11-"Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from" also in Psalm 139:7-"Where can I go from your spirit,where can I flee from your presence?"

Jesus's communion was symbolic of the blood sacrifices that took place in the Old covenant. Where one would kill the animal to gain atonement. Christ, being the sacrifice for sin used communion to signify that it was by his blood, and his blood alone that we would be saved. This is the basis f the idea of communion. For pantheists they believe that the blood of animals contained the animals spirits, so many of them practiced drinking the actual blood of animals. This may resemble the ritual of communion, but it is not. The communion and the meaning of the communion is special and distinct.

Now I also want to note that I can give many explanations, but I beg you to seek God through Christ for yourself so that God may bring light to your search. I can answer many questions, but I am not God and do not know the complete mind of God and will never know. I do know that I use to be a skeptic myself until i accepted Christ into my life and God manifested himself unto me and revealed the truth of his son to me. There are certain things that can not be explained but must be experienced. I just pray your attempts to completely understand Christianity is not whats holding you back from Jesus.I am a devout Christian and I do not completely understand it, but God teaches me more everyday and I had to take a leap of faith in ordr for God to begin to work in my life. God will only reveal himself and the answers to us if we yeild to him. Many have a problem with Christianity but like I mentioned before, it is no coincidence that most religions acknowledge Christ,or that the bible is the #1 read Book in the World. Also that many of the things this world is going through now is written in the text of the Bible. I pray that you accept Christ and search for your answers through God and Christ. because I am only a man, and I do not know the complete plan of God, so i cannot bring complete closure to your search for the truth. i can only guide you in the way of answers, through acceptance of Christ. I pray that you are touched and that God blesses you, and leads you to Christ.

1 in luv and Christ


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