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Date Posted: 08:43:09 09/16/02 Mon
>>Once again the Zeds Player of the Year is hotting up
>>and looks like going right to the wire. 7 points
>>currently cover the top 6 players, and with 5 matches
>>and 15 points still available, any one of them could
>>finish on top.
>>Tony has been leading the field for most of the
>>season, but the 4 point lead he has held for the last
>>6 weeks has now been slashed to a mere 2, as John
>>ruthlessly hunts him down.
>>In 1999, when only 14, Tony was denied the chance of
>>setting a record that would probably have stood for
>>ever, as Youngest ever Zed Player of the Year, when he
>>finished Runner-up, 2 points behind Keith. Were he to
>>win it this year as a 17 year old, it would still be a
>>record likely to last a long time.
>>John in 2nd place on 45 points, has been matching
>>Tony's results for weeks now, and the gap has been
>>static at 4 points. However this week the gap closed
>>as John won and Tony lost. Next week's encounter with
>>the Bull could be absolutely crucial.
>>In 3rd place on 43 points is Steve Sanders, having
>>missed fewer games this year than usual, and with a
>>far better win % than any of his rivals, if he plays
>>all or even most of the remaining games he could be a
>>serious contender.
>>A winning run of 5 consecutive matches has pushed
>>Jimmy into 4th place on 42 points, and should the run
>>continue it could take him to the top.
>>In 5th place, sharing 42 points, but with his worst
>>win % ever is Steve Adams, who is currently travelling
>>in the wrong direction to trouble the leaders. But,
>>who knows, if he could string 3 or 4 wins from the
>>last 5 he could be in contention.
>>And the last of the possible title hopes, in 6th place
>>on 40 points so still mathematically in the chase,
>>Keith who has won the title for the past 3 years, but
>>now looks doubtfull to equal Alan Engledow's run of 5
>>consecutive titles from 1989 - 1993.
>Interested party wrote,
>John in 2nd place on 45 points, has been matching
>Tony's results for weeks now, and the gap has been
>static at 4 points. However this week the gap closed
>as John won and Tony lost. Next week's encounter with
>the Bull could be absolutely crucial.
>If the rumours are true Numbers we might be doin you a
>favour for that match then, nudge, nudge, wink, wink,
>ah ?
What are these rumours you are talking about!
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