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Date Posted: 13:06:15 01/08/03 Wed
>>hi back again after a short absence.I come back and
>>read all this rubbish Rob gould is not just a good
>>player but class and if you put him against jimmy on
>>paper i,d say who the f--k is jimmy carney as for this
>>other guy who thinks hes m,mouse well whats he ever
>>done in his lifetime (won a few games of pool in a
>>lunch hour)rob has been around for years and won alot
>>of things that some of you only dream about! so good
>>on ya rob ive got my money on you
>I cant belive you bit gouldie , but some of the
>comments i have read here are unreal . firstly i was
>up ilford on a saturday night last year when rob asked
>jimmy if he fancied a money match and jimmy didnt want
>to know . to people who have watched him play the last
>year or so maybe he doesnt look that good but when
>your missus has cancer its hard to play to the best of
>your ability ,thats somethÿ
Yet again someone getting involved....... identify yourself, dont be scared..... i have never said anything like i would play Rob Gould for money, simply cos i have no need to play him, i dont have to prove myself against anyone, like i said i play a couple of times a week for fun, pool is not my life, hence i dont need to play anyone for money...... this is how trouble start, absolute nobodies get involved in something that doesnt concern them, and everytime it moves from one person to another, something is changed, or something else is added to make it sound worse. What is the point?
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