tuck up
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Date Posted: 12:19:38 01/10/03 Fri
>>>>Well I for one won't be shutting the fuck up. This
>>>>a public forum, primarily for the Zeds and their
>>>>legion of fans, but open to all. If you start a
>>>>up, you have no control over where its gonna go, and
>>>>you may not like what gets posted. If you have a
>>>>problem with an individual person there are various
>>>>ways of bringing it up privately with that person
>>>>then your arguement can remain between the two of
>>>>But if you publish it on here you must expect every
>>>>Tom, Dick & Harry to jump in. Half the fun is trying
>>>>to work out who's made which quote, until it gets
>>>>abusive and then its probably a Bull player.
>>>Well i agree, Rob if you had a problem with me, you
>>>should have just said it to me, you had ample
>>>opportunity on sat nite at the cue Ball, but didnt.
>>>as far as i am concerned this is the end of it, i
>>>wish to hear anything else about it.
>>>Also whoever that person was who knows you and was
>>>apparently there when you challenged Jimmy to a money
>>>match, well it seems funny he was there to hear you
>>>challenge Jimmy, when Jimmy wasn't there himself, as
>>>he cannot recall ever being asked anything from you.
>>>But this money match situation is over.
>>well i can assure you john i did ask jimmy and he did
>>say no but thats all in the past as for you captzed
>>its nice to see you can make a comment using a name
>>that people know at last but you are spot on pointer a
>>forum isnt the place for it and there are other ways
>>of sorting it out .
>Yeah that is precisely my point.
>But you chose to air it out on here, so opened it up
>for debate, so should take everyones comments, as they
>are well within their rights to air their comments.
>I dont want to play you for money, so if that means i
>am scared, and your better than me. Then so be it, i
>cannot be bothered, it just isn't worth it, there is
>more important things in life!
>As for Jimmy, well i can only go by what he told me.
>And he said you never asked him.
>BUt again there is no point going on about that.
itdoesnt mean anything john as i said i asked jim he said no so what i forgot all about it , same with you i asked , you said no it doesnt mean fuck all its all your zed friends and an idiot who wants to put my private life on here that has blown this whole thing out. what upsets me is the way people hide behind names you and andy havent which i respect you for but seeing as only 4 or 5 people ever post on here it doesnt take a lot to work out the idiots from the zeds but as for the 2 idiots in the rob gould fan club i have no idea who they are but there comments are as stupid as the others , so yes pointer if you cant post under captzed without shitting yourself shut the fuck up !!!!!
ps i wont be down the q ball on sat because i refuse to put momey in your pocket not for anyother reason
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