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Date Posted: 09:09:19 01/11/03 Sat
>Its CaptZed really for those who can't work it out.
>I think the format used on UK8ball & UKPool would be
>better, where you can scroll up and down through the
>As far as User names, again I think the one name -one
>user, where you, as webmaster at least, know everyones
>identity would probably be best.
>Although I'm probably the worst culprit for having
>multiple identities, its sooooooo tempting when
>everyone else is anonymous. Its only become a problem
>when some bonehead assumes that everyone who's not
>you,John or Andy must be me.
>Possibly my own fault, but I reckoned anyone with half
>a brain would recognise my distinctive style of biting
>satire. Sadly this has proved not to be the case.
>So although I'll be sorry to say goodbye to Control,
>Committee Man, Clog Fan and the rest, if everyone else
>can only have one name, I'll go along with it. BTW I
>reserve the copywrite to CaptZed, wouldn't want
>someone else passing themselves off as me.
The ukpool & uk8ball forum sites are downloaded from here I've had a bash at this but to confusing for me, Voy forums are the best free easily to manage ones i'd say.
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