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Subject: Chapter 89

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Date Posted: 12:37:48 01/13/04 Tue

Tyra walked to the visiting room and saw Des sitting there. She took a seat at the tiny table and burst into tears.

Des:Oh Tyra
Tyra:That bastard pressed charges! What if I never get out of here now?

After pacing the floor with Jason at midnight Krys laid her son down to sleep. She plopped down on the couch and stared at her phone. Midnight phone calls, something that she missed very much, came to Krystina's mind and she did something very out of the ordinary.

Krys: Hello

The silence on both ends of the phone was amazing.

Krys: So Talib how are you?
Talib: Im good how are you?
Krys: Great. So Talib I don't know where we stand but I just really want us to be friends again.

Krys could here Talib hesitate before finally giving in.

Talib: We can do that
Krys: Do you think we could spend time together and do like.....Friend things?

Talib shrugged his shoulders on the other end.

Talib: I don't see why not
Krys: How about we go out tomorrow night?
Talib:Thats cool with me.
Cashmere smiled at Krys when she saw her and Talib walk into Frostys. Cash and Martin were sharing a basket of fries and invited them to sit at the table with eachother.

Cash: What are you guys doing here?
Krys: Just being friends that's all
Cash: Oh okay.

Talib scratched his neck as he saw Maria walk into Frostys with her group of friends. It wasn't like he and Maria were together she was just someone he called when he needed his needs to be met. Krys saw this and smiled.

Talib: So how you been Cashmere? What's up Martin.
Cash: Im good how are you Talib.
Talib: Im cool.
Krys:Hes more than cool girl. Talib produced a song for Sterling*haha*

Cashmeres eyes lit up

Cash: Are you serious? That's like the hottest rapper out right now

Talib smiled proudly

Martin: Congratulations man.


The next day Cash went to Devins office just to talk and let things out. She wore a pink halter top and black pleated skirt with strappy heels.

Cash: Hey bebe
Devin:How you doing sweetie?
Cash: Im great how are you?
Devin:Im good. Glad to hear your doing so well. What's been up?
Cash: Well I went on a date.

Devin frowned, that was not the reaction Cash expected from him.

Cash: What's wrong?

Devin shook his head and smiled.

Devin: So you went on a date huh? With who?
Cash: This guy named Martin. I have a couple of classes with him and he's works at Frostys
Devin: Do you like him?
Cash: Not really. I just want to get out and live you know?

Devin gave a sigh of relief.

Cash: Devin if I didn't know any better I'd say you had a crush on me.
Devin: Im your counselor Cash that's ridiculous
Cash: Your also my friend

Cash and Devin both grinned at eachother

Krystina and Talib sat outside her apartment after their "date" on Friday night.

Talib: Look Krystina Im about to do something and I don't want you to get confused. There's no chance of us getting back together but I enjoy your company.
Krystina: I feel the same way
Talib: Okay then.

Talib kissed Krystina.
Cashmere smiled as she closed the door behind Devin. She had to admit, she was slowly but surely falling for Devin.

She grabbed his hand and led them to the dorms tiny kitchen. She cooked them dinner, chicken and rice, it was time for her to show Devin just how much she appreciated him.

Devin: This is beautiful I cant believe it.

Cashmere: Well my Momma always told me that the way to a mans heart was his stomach

Devin laughed taking a bite of his chicken

Devin: Is that right? You want to get to my heart?

Cashmere nodded her head yes grinning like a little girl

Devin: Well girl you getting there. This is good.

After the two ate dinner Cashmere showed Devin her room. He stared at her and Deshones pictures as he sat on her neatly made bed.

Devin:Wheres your other roommates at?
Cashmere: They go home on weekends
Devin:And do you go home also?

Cashmere ran her fingers along Devins Gucci cufflinks. He still has his suit on. She looked into his eyes seriously.

Cashmere:You don't have to play counselor tonight.

For a moment the two just sat there staring at eachother. Cashmere closed her eyes and thought "kiss me kiss me kiss me" and Devin did stroke her chin and kiss her lips, slowly gently, and romantically. But Devin pulled away shortly.

Cashmere:*whispering* What's wrong?
Devin: I think Im falling for you
Cashmere: And what's wrong with that?

Devin shook his head and smiled sadly.

Devin: Your 18 and Im 26. Im your counselor Cash. If people found out about us, I could lose my job and things would just be chaotic.

Cash kissed Devin

Cash: Then they wont find out about us. I wont tell if you wont.

Devin smiled and kissed Cash again. Cash responded by unbuttoning his white shirt exposing his well toned muscles. Cashmere exhaled as Devin climbed on top of her.

The next morning Cashmere struggled to get out of bed as she walked Devin to the door. She showered and put on plain blue jeans and a black and white hoodie. Her curly hair was in a high ponytail.

Cash hopped on the bus grinning from ear to ear on her way to Frostys.

She took a seat beside Krys after giving her a big hug.

Des: Girl why are you grinning like that?
Krys: If I didn't know any better I'd say that you had sex

Cash giggled and laid her head on the table.

Cash: No I did not have sex. Im just really happy.

Cash felt bad about lying to her friends.

Cash: So when is Cat getting back home?
Des: Monday evening

All of a sudden Krys blurted out:

Krys: I slept with Talib.
Cash:You what?
Krys: I mean were not together again or anything its just that...I got lonely.
Cash: Girl I really don't think you should do that
Jackie: I know Krys, your still in love with Talib
Cash: He could hut you
Jackie: You know Talib has been a player lately.
Krys:Woah! You guys, I have a child and no husband. I've pretty much given up on the thought of love. I just got lonely one night.
Cash: So it was one night only?
Krys: Yes. I don't need anyone taking time away from me and my son.

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