Subject: Chapter 90 |
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Date Posted: 15:06:11 02/07/04 Sat
Chapter 90
Jackie: But you know you guys have history together- don’t you think this one night can spark up old feelings
Krys: Look, just like he uses girls to get what he needs, he’ll be the one I call whenever I feel lonely. He knows I want nothing from him, to us its just sex- he told me so last night
Des [shocked]: Like that?
Krys: Well in other words but yeah that was what he meant
Cash: And you’re cool with that?
Jackie: Hell yeah.
Their orders came and the girls stopped the conversation for a while and sorted out the food and all
Cash: So, how was Ty yesterday?
Des: Umm, she looks like she’s lost a little weight but she looks fine. I told her about Tony pressing charges- she didn’t expect it and she didn’t seem too happy about it
Krys: Well what did she expect? She beats the guy up, leaves him with multiple bone fractures and expects him to say ‘yeah girl it’s all good, let’s do it again sometime?’ I mean get real!
Des: I know. I ask her why she did it and she keeps shaking her head and saying nothing
Cash: So what’s going to happen now?
Des [sighing]: Well I really don’t know, I guess she’ll talk to her lawyer when the time comes.
The conversation stopped for a while, mainly due to the fact that a chocolicious guy had just walked in and appeared to be walking towards their table. He did and stopped right in front of their table. Jackie, Cash and Krys’ eyes had gone all starry and they’d stopped eating. The stranger smiled
Stranger: Hello ladies
Jackie, Cash and Krys (dreamily): Hello
Mark was a 6 ft 1 inch guy with milk chocolate complexion with long braided hair. He had on blue FUBU baggy jeans, a throwback jersey with a white tee under, he had light brown eyes (like Bow Wow’s) that made u wanna look into them, and he had a smile so damn! Ya know what I mean.
Des simply looked at him and said ‘Whassup’
Mark properly turned around, lowered slightly and looked directly into her eyes
Mark: Hi Deshone, you’re okay right?
Des [smiling]: Yeah I’m good, and you?
Mark: Yeah I am. So can we meet up later about the project?
Des: I’ll see about it, but yeah we do gotta, Carl won’t find it funny if we forget to finish a class project this time
Mark laughed
Mark: True. So I’ll see you later?
Des: Definitely
Mark smiled at her and brushed her chin lightly with his fingertips, Des’ breath got caught in her chest
Mark: Bye Des, bye ladies
He turned around and walked out of Frostys, while Jackie, Cash and Krys’ eyes slowly unglazed. The three girls turned to look at Des
Krys: First of all WHOA!
Cash: Uh uh
Krys: Then, who the f*ck was he?
Des: Mark, he’s a business major and we’re working on a class project together
Krys: Hell he can work on me anytime! Did you see him?
Des: Yes I did, and?
Cash: Sweetie open your eyes, baby is FOINE!!!!
Des chuckled
Jackie: I think he likes you
Des: No he doesn’t
All 3 girls: Yea he does!
Des: Whatever y’all
Jackie: At last, some competition for Lami, he’s been monopolising you all this time
Cash: I don’t think he’ll find it too funny that some guy especially one that fine is checking for you
Krys: Well he can’t not expect it, let’s face it, Des is a hottie
Jackie: True
Des just shook her head and smiled
Des: Whatever y’all. Speaking of which I gotta call Lami, he’s due to go and get Jiz and Cat from the airport today right?
She gets out her phone and starts to dial
About 3 days later, Krys was at home, Des just dropped Jason back with her and she had just put him in his crib when the doorbell rang. She went to open it only to find Lib standing there
Krys (surprised): Hi, what are you doing here
Lib: look, I know we both agreed and said no way we were to get back together but ever since that night, I can’t get you out of my head. I’ve tried all I know, sleeping with other girls does not compare to you and I realise I miss you and I want you right now so bad…
Krys: …
Before she could reply, he’d pulled her closer and kissed her. Initially she was shocked and didn’t respond for the first few seconds then later, she relented and kissed him back just as hard and they kept kissing as they went into the house and closed the door, he broke off the kiss, and turned her so that she had her back against the wall and he continued kissing her……………….
At his house, Des was outside in her car honking the horn for Lami to come out, he did looking as cute as ever, she got out of the driver’s side and left the key in the ignition to Lami who pulled her closer and kissed her, then he got into the driver’s side
Des: Dang what took you so long? Even Jason got tired of waiting for you, that’s why I had to go and drop him off for you to save us time.
Lami: Thank you baby, y’know I had to look good for my queen
He leaned and kissed her
Des: Hmmm you smell good
Lami: Davidoff Cool Water for Men
Des: Hmmm love that smell
Lami: I know. So how was my lil man?
Des: He’s good he fell asleep before we got to his mom’s house
Lami: Good. I hope Cat and Jiz actually make it on to this flight, they were due to arrive at 8:30, its 8:20, give or take we should be there before 9, they’ll be out of customs by then
Des: Yeah.
They got to the airport and ended up waiting for over an hour and a half, just when they were about to give up, Des and Lami saw two ppl dragging suitcases who looked like Jiz and Cat.
Lami: Finally!
They went over to meet them. Cat’s hair had lightened and her skin had darkened, she’d looked good but she wasn’t smiling at all
Des: Hi girl welcome back
Cat: Hey
Des took one of the suitcases she was dragging
Des: How come it took y’all so long? And weren’t you guys due 3 days ago?
Cat: Ask Bonehead over there!
She shot an angry look at Jiz, Des and Lami looked at him and Jiz’s look seemed to say ‘not now please’
They got into the car, the Newlyweds sat at the back
Cat: Go on wiseguy tell them why we’re here 3 days late and we were the last to leave the plane
Jiz fell silent, he already had a major headache
Cat: Ok here’s what happened
Hmm I wonder what happened. We’ll find out later
PS: An early Happy Valentine’s day to you all who are celebrating it, enjoy it with ur loved one
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