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Subject: Chapter 91

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Date Posted: 17:34:30 03/09/04 Tue

John: Well its all Cats fault!
Cat: Its my fault! Your the one that booked the hotel!
John: So!
Cat:Anyways so we're in the hotel and everything is good then all of a sudden we see this big 'ole flying thing. John kills him but oh no there's more!
John:How was I suspose to know that there was bugs in our hotel room Cat? She's mad cause she got bit!

Des and Lams are glancing at eachother every once and a while smiling at how silly the story is.

Cat: Yes it is your fault! So my face swells up to the size of the soccer ball and yet Jiz goes out on the cruise and I know he got his groove on with some little hoochie mammas!
John: I did not I just needed some air Catrina damn!
Cat: Well you shoulda been in the hotel room with me!

Des looked back at Cat and John and burst into laughter.

Cat: What the hell is so funny?
Des: This is so petty
Lams: It is kind of petty yall
Cat:Whatever!John your sleeping on the couch!
John: Fine with me. Im going over my Moms!
Krystina walked slowly to where Tony sat in his wheelchair in his backyard. It almost made her cry to see what Tyra did to him. Self defense or not, she couldn't imagine Tyra ever doing anything close to this.
Krys gave him a hug and plopped herself down on the table.

Krys: Hey
Tony: Hey.
Krys: How you feeling?
Tony: I could be a lot better
Krys: I know Im sorry.
Tony: I wish things didn't have to be this way.
Krys: You pressed charges......
Tony: I didn't want to but, if I let her go free she won't understand that everything she does has consequences.
Krys: What happened that night?
Tony: I cant remember
Books were spread out on the floor as Des and Mark studied for their project.

Des: Man Im getting kind of tired
Mark: I know
Des: We've been working on this all night and we still not finished.
Mark: You wanna take a break get something to eat?
Des: You treating?
Mark: Im a gentleman of course I am. Where to?
Des: Lets just go to the campus cafe.
Mark: That sounds cool.

Des and Mark both ate their fries silently for a while because they were so hungry. Finally Mark looked up at her and began a conversation.

Mark: So what you got planned for tomorrow Ms. Lady?
Des:Well Im gonna spend time with my man and the baby.
Mark: The baby? You got kids?
Des: Do I look like I got kids?
Des: My boyfriend has a little boy.
Mark: And you help him take of little man, that real cool of you.

Mark starred at Des and Des couldn't resist looking into his eyes. "Am I really starting to like this guy?" Des thought to herself.

Mark: Hey. You ready to get back to work?

Des smiled and answered yes.
Krystina rolled over to see Talib starring down at her. She covered her mouth to shield her morning breath.

Talib:Your even beautiful when you sleep thats all.

Krystina rolled her eyes and crawled out of bed.

Talib:Where are you going?
Krys:Lams should be here any minute to drop Jason off I have to get dressed.

At that moment there was a knock at the door

Krys:Thats probably him right there!

Krystina pulled on her oversized sweater and ran to the door.

Krystina:Hey Lams, hey mommas baby

Krys took Symphony out of Olamides arms as Lams walked in and put the baby's stuff down.

Krys:So was he good this weekend?
Lams:Of course my little man was good. Des stayed up with him last night when he cried.

Krys and Lams laughed.

Krys:I know you got that girl doing all the work.

Talib walked out the room in his boxers only.

Talib:Whats up Lams

Talib didn't wait around for Lams to respond he walked to the refrigerator to get a drink and then walked back to the room. Lams gave Krys a funny look.

Krys:I cant believe he just did that
Lams:Whats up with that Krys?
Krys:We're trying to work things out.
Lams:What about Jason?
Krys:I know we need to talk about that
Lams:Well Im going to let yall do that alright. I'll see you next weekend.

Lams walked out of the house and Krystina stormed into the room after laying Jason down.

Krys:Talib we need to talk!
Krys:Im serious do you really want to be with me or what?
Talib:If I didn't want to be with you Krys I wouldn't be here.
Krys:And Jason....
Talib:What about him
Krys:You have to accept him too Talib.
Talib:I will just give me a chance.

Cash sat on the couch in Devins livingroom kissing his neck.

Devin:Cash, not right now
Cash:Come on Devin
Devin:Girl what has gotting into you its like thats all you want to do lately.
Cash:I would think that you would be happy with that.

Devin pulled Cash up and walked her to the kitchen table

Devin:Come on lets sit down here and talk.
Cash:Okay, okay what about.

Des, Jackie, Cash, Krystina and Cat all took off the day from school for Tyra's trial.

Jackie saw how weird Des was acting and pulled her over to the side.

Jackie:Whats wrong?
Des: Im just worried about Tyra that's all. Im scared.
Jackie: We all are but she's going to be all right, I know it.
Des: I don't know if I love Olamide anymore.

Des covered eyes to keep from crying.

Jackie: What are you talking about?
Des: If I like Mark or if Im even thinking about kissing Mark how can it be possible for me to love Lams.
Jackie: Des you know you can be in love with someone and have feelings for someone else. That's how life goes. Its only a problem if you act on those feelings.
Des: I just need to think.

The trial was about to start so the girls went inside the court building.

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