Subject: The Chapter 92 |
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Date Posted: 06:09:55 06/07/04 Mon
Chapter 92
In the court room, Des and the others- even Jackie and Krys came (they left their babies with their moms to babysit) and sat in the public gallery.
Tyra was brought in wearing an orange jumpsuit with her hands and feet in chains by two armed guards. Tyra looked pale and seemed to have lost lots of weight and looked a little skeletal. Tyra’s mom cried out in anguish. Tyra looked over and saw all her loved ones and tears welled in her eyes, Cat blew her a kiss. She could not respond as the guard on her left nudged her with the gun to remind her. She quickly looked down and sat beside her attorneys. On the opposite side nearest to the jury sat Tony’s attorney with his mom, Tony could not make it as one of his wounds which refused to heal began to act up and caused further complications.
Court Bailiff: The case of the People against Warren is about to begin, Court!
Everybody got up as the judge entered. The judge (Judge Dolores Brown) a black middle aged woman sat down with all the papers in front of her.
Judge: Proceed with the swearing in of the jury
This took a good part of the morning and the court took a break for lunch and returned.
Judge: Attorneys may make their opening statement.
The prosecuting attorney (Mr Davis) got up cleared his throat and walked up towards towards the judge’s bench.
Davis: Your Honour, if I may?
Judge: Proceed
Davis turned to the jury
Davis: Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, this case is one which almost resulted in utter tragedy. It is one which is surprising as you look at the perpetrator and think ‘oh no she is not capable of doing such harm’ hmmm, well I put to you that she is no angel, in fact she is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, cold, calculated and devoid of human feeling and YES- she is very capable of doing such harm as inflicted on the victim. We all know the saying ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’, well hell hath no fury like a woman denied- such woman Tyra is. Now I would ask for the jury in your considerations to not look at her exterior and be moved to feel sorry for her, I ask you to see her for what she is- a good foundation gone bad. Thank you
He gave a little bow and some of the jury members seemed to be nodding their heads, and he went back to his seat.
Tyra’s attorney (Mr Lewis) got up and went over to the jury bench
Lewis: This is not an open and shut case as suggested by my fellow attorney, now he may have suggested that my client is a cold and brutal woman. I want you instead to consider this- my client at that point was in a loving relationship with the alleged victim, I mean from all evidence presented, Tyra is a well balanced young woman attending college with a very bright future. Does it not seem strange to you that she would suddenly turn on one of her loved ones? I submit to you that while my client does not deny knowledge of the incident, the victim is not without fault, he infact provoked my client, provocation which in fact turns this into a case of a woman defending herself, a woman fighting for her right to live and be loved, a woman who has EVERY right to protect herself from unnecessary attacks that woman, (pointing to Tyra) sits before your very eyes. Thank you
He went and sat down.
Judge: Case adjourned until tomorrow 9am. Defendant to remain in custody for duration of the case.
She hit her gavel on the table and got up
Court Bailiff: All rise!
Everyone got up as the judge walked out with the court clerk. Tyra was escorted back out, she looked at the gallery and a tear ran down her eye.
Des and the others got up and went outside. There was a park nearby and they all went there. Everyone was stunned; it was almost as if this wasn’t happening to them. Des sat with her back to a tree and held her head in her hands, Cat had tears brimming over her eyes, Jackie and Krys had vacant looks on their faces and Cash just closed her eyes and allowed herself to be hugged by Devin who came with her. For like the first five minutes no one said anything.
Jamal: I..I can’t believe this, Tyra in chains like a prisoner
Jackie: She is a prisoner..for now anyway
Jamal: I know but a few months ago she was Tyra getting her life back together and doing well in college
Cat: It only takes a few minutes to ruin an entire life
Krys: Tell me about it
She looked at Lami who just looked away
Des: But why her why?
John: Has she told anyone what she did?
Des: When I went to see her she wouldn’t say anything, she even got angry with Tony for pressing charges but this is much bigger than Tony, much bigger. If he didn’t his mom sure as hell would’ve pressed charges.
Jackie: I don’t mean to be rude and all but what does she have to be angry about? That the guy exercised his right not to get his ass whooped by a girl? I mean if it was her that got beaten up we woulda killed the guy ourselves but cos she did the beating don’t make it okay
Lami: True, just that…
He didn’t complete the sentence and everyone fell into silence for a while.
Lami: Ok y’all I’mma ask you all something and I want you guys to be honest with yourselves and tell the truth
John: Go on
Lami: Now we all don’t really know the deal and what happened
Des: Yeah…
Lami: If, and only if Tyra really did beat up Tony like that, do you want her to go to prison for it if she is found guilty. I know she’s our friend and all and we know she is a good person, but should she go unpunished?
Everyone was silent after that
Jamal: I would say umm…if she did do it then yeah
Jackie: I’d say yes too
Cash: Yes but not for long and only if she is proven to have done it, it don’t make her a bad person though
Lami: No I never said she was.
Devin: I don’t know her so I can’t really give an opinion, I can only say if she did do it and didn’t go to prison or get punished somehow, then justice is not served cos if in the eyes of the law we’re all meant to be equal, it shouldn’t matter if she’s somebody’s friend or not.
Everyone nodded
Cat: I agree
John: Me too
Lami: so do I
Everyone looked at Des
Des: I don’t know, maybe as well
She burst into tears
Des: I gotta go, I can’t stand to think about this
Devin: I think we all had better go and just rest in time for tomorrow.
Everyone got up
Cat: Are we all meeting at my place?
Jackie: I guess so, everyone?
Everyone nodded
They all went to the court car park and got into their cars and drove off.
Des and Lami got to Des’ room on campus and he was staying overnight. Des went to the bathroom and he sat on her bed. He looked on her dresser and saw a card and a box of chocolate he did not recognise. He got up and went to pick the card up, it read
Dear Des,
Lunch was lovely and I enjoyed spending the day with you. Here’s a token of my affection.
Lami wrinkled his forehead in confusion. Des never told him about any friend of hers called Mark especially one who bought her expensive chocolates?
Des walked into the room
Des: What’s up? Ready to go to dinner?
Lami: Who’s Mark?
Des raised an eyebrow
Des: Why you asking?
Lami raised the card. She walked over to him and took it out of his hand, read it and smiled
Lami: That’s not even funny
Des: What? Mark gave me a card and some chocolates big deal
Lami: Who is Mark?
Des: My friend, we did the class project for Business 101 together
Lami: Yeah but why is he sending you chocolate and all that
Des: Cos he’s that kinda guy, c’mon lets go to dinner I’m hungry
Lami: I don’t like this, it seems like he likes you a lot
Des: And you have a problem with that because…
Lami: Because you’re my girl
Des: Lami don’t let’s get into an argument let’s just go
Lami: I don’t like it when another guy likes you like that. I forbid you from seeing that guy
Des: Excuse me? Who are you to tell me who to see or not to see?
She picked up her jacket and her keys
Des: You know what, you’re not even one to talk, remember Jason? Yeah when you were all into another chick? I’m outta here.
She slammed the door after her leaving Lami standing there alone
Lami: DAMN!
And he punched the wall
Good to be back ppl, missed you all and thanx for ur patience
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